LCTI: West Oakland STEP
Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) Implementation Grant
City of Oakland Department of Transportation | West Oakland STEP
February 2023 – March 2026
Project Details
Through four projects, West Oakland STEP aims to bring West Oakland sustainable transportation while reducing the community’s disproportionate exposure to air pollution. Implementation of strategies from the West Oakland Truck Management Plan will reduce diesel truck emissions in residential neighborhoods by educating operators, upgrading truck route signs, training enforcement staff, and identifying truck traffic calming design treatments. The Pedestrian Improvements and Urban Greening project will repair sidewalks, plant hundreds of trees and shrubs as part of several showcase projects, and create an urban greening stewardship model. The Bike Resource Hub will provide free monthly workshops, Earn-A-Bike programming for youth to refurbish donated bikes, bike repair services, and fix-it stations at key destinations throughout West Oakland. Finally, the West Oakland Transit Access Improvements will upgrade transit stops and pilot a low-cost institutional transit pass program.

Funding Details
Grant Amount: $7,665,372
Resource Contributions: $2,893,955
Project Total: $10,559,327
By the Numbers
Services, Vehicles & Equipment Funded
- 10 truck signs installations
- 2.3 miles of sidewalk gaps to be closed by repairs and upgrades
- 1,500 trees and shrubs
- 300 free refurbished bikes for youth Earn-a-Bike participants
- 8 bike fix-it stations
- 18 bike fix-it station trainings
- 36 bike repair workshops
- 36 community bike rides
- 36 youth bike education events
Estimated Quantifiable Benefits
- GHG emission reductions: 244 MTCO2e
- NOx reductions: 53 lbs
- PM2.5 reductions: 33 lbs
- ROG reductions: 9 lbs
- Passenger VMT reductions: 966,260 miles
- Travel cost savings: $117,866
- Transportation fossil fuel reductions: 21,218 gallons
- Direct Jobs: 36
- Indirect Jobs: 15
- Induced Jobs: 25
Community Details
West Oakland is a neighborhood with strong Black roots; about 40% of residents are Black. It is predominantly low-income, with a median household income of $48,000 and approximately 26% of households living below the federal poverty level. Land use and transportation decisions placing highways and industry near residential neighborhoods have subjected West Oaklanders to among the highest levels of diesel particulate matter in the Bay Area, along with higher rates of asthma, cardiovascular disease, and premature death. Transportation options are limited: 28% of households do not own motor vehicles, and sidewalks in West Oakland are in poor condition, with 5% of sidewalks missing entirely. The strategies chosen for West Oakland STEP come directly from the 2019 West Oakland Community Action Plan, a collaborative planning effort by the community and public agencies to identify strategies to reduce air pollution.
Demographics of Community Served by Project
37% Black or African American, 28% White, 14% Asian, 16% Hispanic/Latino, and 5% Other
Median Household Income: $64,245
Community Benefits
West Oakland STEP will improve access to safe and sustainable transportation and create a healthier environment for the community by reducing air pollution exposure. Urban greening and sidewalk repairs will make it safer and more comfortable for West Oaklanders to walk by expanding ADA-compliant sidewalks with shade and reduced particulates due to the filtering effect of trees and shrubs. Implementation of the West Oakland Truck Management Plan will reduce diesel particulate matter exposure in residential neighborhoods by educating truckers, improving enforcement of existing truck routes, and identifying solutions to calm truck traffic in residential areas. The bicycle education workshops, community rides, and youth Earn-a-Bike programming will address community-identified barriers to biking, including difficulty obtaining and maintaining a bike. Bus stop improvements and mobility wallets will make transit and new mobility options more accessible and affordable for West Oaklanders.
Outreach & Engagement Strategies
- Advisory group meetings
- Community events/meetings
- Trucking industry meeting presentations
- Targeted educational materials for truckers
- Electronic newsletters and listserv
- Community bike rides
Target Populations
- Low-income residents
- Low-income youth
- Long-term Black residents
- Residents without access to a vehicle
Partnership Structure
The City of Oakland Department of Transportation (OakDOT) envisions, plans, builds, operates, and maintains the transportation system for the City of Oakland and assures safe, equitable, and sustainable access and mobility for residents, businesses, and visitors. OakDOT will lead the implementation of the projects.
- Oakland Parks and Recreation Foundation
- West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project
- The Crucible
- Urban Biofilter
Community Partners
- Bay Area Air Quality Management District
- Alameda County Transportation Commission
- Port of Oakland
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit)
Cathy DeLuca | (510) 519-1605 | OakDOT