Board Resolutions 2006
Resolutions are a document the Board uses to vote on a proposed action. After the Board approves a resolution, it will be posted within two weeks after the Board meeting.
Resolution Number | Item | Hearing Date |
06-1 | Identification of Environmental Tobacco Smoke as a Toxic Air Contaminant | January 26, 2006 |
06-2 | Proposed Amendments to the Heavy-Duty Vehicle Smoke Inspection Program (Implementation of AB 1009, Pavley 2004, Ch. 873) | January 26, 2006 |
06-3 | Research Proposal: On-Road Measurement of Light-Duty Gasoline and Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle Emissions | January 26, 2006 |
06-4 | Research Proposal: Differences in Inflammatory Responses to Exposures of Concentrated Ambient Particles in Susceptible Volunteers | January 26, 2006 |
06-5 | Research Proposal: Evaluation of the Proposed New European Methodology for Determination of Particle Number Emissions and its Potential in California for In-use Screening | January 26, 2006 |
06-6 | Research Proposal: Impact of Reactive Halogen Species on the Air Quality in California Coastal Areas | January 26, 2006 |
06-7 | Research Proposal: Process-Based Farm Emission Model for Estimating Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from California Dairies | January 26, 2006 |
06-8 | 2005-2006 Lower-Emission School Bus Guidelines and Funding Allocation | February 23, 2006 |
06-9 | Proposed Amendments to the Verification Procedure, Warranty, and In-Use Compliance Requirements for In-Use Strategies to Control Emissions from Diesel Engines | March 23, 2006 |
06-11 | Adoption of New Emission Standards, Fleet Requirements, and Test Procedures for Forklifts and other Industrial Equipment | May 25, 2006 |
06-12 | Research Proposal: Indoor Environmental Quality and HVAC Survey of Small and Medium Size Commercial Buildings | April 20, 2006 |
06-13 | Research Proposal: Effects of Inhaled Fine Particles on Lung Growth and Lung Disease | April 20, 2006 |
06-14 | Emission Reduction Plan for Ports and Goods Movement in California | April 20, 2006 |
06-17 | Proposed Amendments of Vapor Recovery System Certification and Test Procedures for Gasoline Marketing Operations at Service Stations | May 25, 2006 |
06-18 | Proposed Amendments to the Regulation for the Statewide Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP) | June 22, 2006 |
06-19 | Proposed Amendments to Regulation for the Availability of California Motor Vehicle Service Information | June 22, 2006 |
06-20 | Technical Amendments to the Motor Vehicle Evaporative and Exhaust Emissions Test Procedures | June 22, 2006 |
06-21 | Stewart Wilson Retirement Resolution | N/A |
06-22 | Draft Planned Air Pollution Research for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 | July 20, 2006 |
06-23 | Amendments to the California Regulations for New 1997 and Later Off-Highway Recreational Vehicles and Engines | July 20, 2006 |
06-24 | Research Proposal: Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in Small and Medium Commercial Buildings (SMCB) Phase II Field Study | September 28, 2006 |
06-25 | Amendments to the Hexavalent Chromium Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) for Chrome Plating and Chromic Acid Anodizing Operations | September 28, 2006 & November 16, 2006 |
06-26 | Proposed Revisions to Malfunction and Diagnostic System Requirements and Associated Enforcement Provisions for Passenger Cars, Light-Duty Trucks, and Medium-Duty Vehicles and Engines On-Board Diagnostic (OBD II) and Emission Warranty Regulation | September 28, 2006 |
06-27 | Adoption of California's Heavy-Duty Diesel In-Use Compliance Regulation | September 28, 2006 |
06-28 | Amendments to the Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Regulation | October 19, 2006 |
06-29 | Amendments to the Distributed Generation Certification Program | October 19, 2006 |
06-30 | Research Proposal: Investigation of the Role of Lubricating Oil on Particulate Matter Emissions from Vehicles | November 16, 2006 |
06-31 | Research Proposal: Analysis of Satellite Measurements to Improve California's Models for O3 and PM | November 16, 2006 |
06-32 | Research Proposal: Flux Measurements of Biogenic Precursors to Ozone and Particulate Matter in the Central Valley | November 16, 2006 |
06-33 | Research Proposal: Development of the UCB-L Particle Monitor for California Applications in Environmental Justice | November 16, 2006 |
06-34 | Research Proposal: Development of Updated Solvent Cleaning Emissions Inventory | November 16, 2006 |
06-35 | Research Proposal: Lifecycle Analysis of the Climate Change Reduction Strategies of the California Air Resources Board | November 16, 2006 |
06-36 | Research Proposal: Impact of Climate Change on the Frequency and Intensity of Low-Level Temperature Inversions in California | November 16, 2006 |
06-37 | Research Proposal: Deployment of a Novel Aerosol Mobility/Mass Spectrometer for Quantitative Chemical Analysis of Organic Aerosols from Mobile Sources | November 16, 2006 |
06-38 | Proposed Amendments to the Airborne Toxic Control Measure Amendments Limiting Onboard Incineration on Cruise Ships and Oceangoing Ships | November 16, 2006 |
06-39 | Proposed Amendments to the Stationary Diesel Engine Control Measure | November 16, 2006 |
06-40 | Proposed Amendments to the AB 2588 Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Regulation | November 16, 2006 |
06-41 | Proposed Amendments to the Area Designations for State Ambient Air Quality Standards | November 16, 2006 |
06-42 | Proposed Amendments to the California Consumer Products Regulations | November 16, 2006 |
06-43 | Proposed Emergency Amendments to the Statewide Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP) Regulation and the Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) for Diesel-Fueled Portable Engines and the Airborne Toxic Control Measure for Compression-Ignition Engines | December 7, 2006 |
06-44 | Amendments to California's Emission Warranty Information Reporting and Recall Regulations and Emission Test Procedures | April 26, 2007 |
06-45 | Proposed Amendments to the Voluntary Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Regulation | December 7, 2006 |
06-46 | Proposed Revisions to the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines: Light-Duty Vehicle Chapter | December 7, 2006 |
06-47 | ICAT Grant: Development, Demonstration and Commercialization of a 0.20 g/bhp-hr NOx Natural Gas Engine | December 7, 2006 |
06-48 | ICAT Grant: Mobile Off-Road Retrofit SCRT System Demonstration Project | December 7, 2006 |
06-49 | ICAT Grant: Retrofit SCR for NOx Emissions Reduction Using Crystalline Matrix Storage for Ammonia | December 7, 2006 |
06-50 | ICAT Grant: Adaptive Low Emission Microturbine for Renewable Fuels | December 7, 2006 |
06-51 | ICAT Grant: Maximus Stop-Fill Unit Demonstration | December 7, 2006 |
06-52 | ICAT Grant: Retrofitting Compact SCR and Diesel Particulate Filters to a Passenger Ferry | December 7, 2006 |
06-53 | ICAT Grant: Laser Strip: A Portable Hand-Held Laser Stripping Device for Reducing VOC, Toxic, and Particulate Emissions | December 7, 2006 |
06-54 | ICAT Grant: Development and Demonstration of a Low Emissions Four Stroke Outboard Marine Engine Utilizing Catalyst Technology | December 7, 2006 |
06-55 | ICAT Grant: Assessment of an Advanced Method for Measurement of the Solid Carbonaceous (Soot) Component of Mobile Source Particulate Matter | December 7, 2006 |
06-56 | ICAT Grant: Particle Measurement Devices | December 7, 2006 |
06-57 | ICAT Grant: Composite All-Electric 40-Foot Bus Using Lithium Batteries | December 7, 2006 |
06-58 | ICAT Grant: Mobile NOx and PM Aftertreatment System Field Trial | December 7, 2006 |