Final Implementation Work Group on Solicitation for Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Projects
Webinar - Remote Only
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Fecha Final
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The California Air Resources Board (CARB) invites you to participate in a public work group meeting on the grant solicitation development for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 and FY 2022-23 Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Projects. The total anticipated funding amount is $175 million. The project categories include:
- Municipal Green Zones,
- Resilient Zero-Emission Vessel Charging Projects,
- Modular Zero-Emission Capable Cargo Handling Equipment Demonstrations,
- Emission Reductions from Ocean Going Vessels,
- Zero-Emission Rail,
- Zero-Emission Capable Commercial Harbor Craft and the Tier-4 Commercial Harbor Craft
- Port Vehicles and Equipment,
- Zero-Emission Aviation and Ground Support Equipment,
- Off-Road Construction and Agricultural Equipment
The meeting will focus on the scope of project categories, funding availability and requirements, required project elements, application process, and applicant team building. Registration information is below.