Salton Sea Community Webinars
Principal Investigator/Author(s): David Lo
Contractor: University of California, Riverside
Contract Number: 21RD014
Relevant CARB Programs: Health & Exposure
Topic Areas: Community Health
Research Summary:
The Salton Sea is the largest lake in California, but as a terminal lake surrounded by agricultural land in Riverside and Imperial counties, the Salton Sea receives freshwater inputs that are contaminated with pesticides, fertilizers, and other pollutants. Local residents have expressed long-standing concerns over the environmental decline of Salton Sea and the potential of human and wildlife health effects from exposures to windblown contaminated dust from the receding shoreline, bioaerosols, and hydrogen sulfide gas. To better understand the health concerns of people living near Salton Sea, CARB received U.S. EPA funding through a 105 grant to engage researchers and local communities in a collaborative project. The goal of this project was to facilitate communication between these stakeholder groups to identify and address community concerns about Salton Sea-related emissions during a series of community forums and identify areas for future targeted research. CARB contracted with the UC Riverside Center for Health Disparities Research at the University of California, Riverside (UCR) to organize and host the forums.
UCR put together a comprehensive webpage on the Salton Sea project. Visit the Salton Sea Community Webinars to learn more.