Clean Truck Check (HD I/M)
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Clean Truck Check - Heavy-Duty Inspection and Maintenance (HD I/M) Program
Under the Clean Air Act, CARB is responsible for developing statewide programs and strategies to reduce smog-forming and toxic pollutants emitted from mobile sources. Heavy-duty diesel vehicles greater than 14,000 pounds are major contributors to California’s air quality challenges. These vehicles still contribute the majority of on-road NOx and PM 2.5 emissions, despite significant efforts by CARB over the last 40 years to reduce NOx and PM emissions from this sector. Previous efforts include regulations and programs for new engine standards, manufacturer warranties, and durability requirements for emission control components; in-use truck rules to accelerate fleet turnover; and incentive programs to promote innovative low- and zero-emitting technologies.
Modern heavy-duty diesel vehicles are equipped with aftertreatment systems like diesel particulate filters for controlling PM and selective catalytic reduction for cutting NOx emissions. However, when emissions control components malfunction, this may result in emissions increases that can stall efforts to achieve clean, healthy air in California’s communities. The Clean Truck Check will ensure heavy-duty vehicles operating in California are well-maintained and repaired rapidly when needed, and promote a level playing field for the businesses that operate them.
Through an integrated strategy combining roadside emissions monitoring to screen for potential high-emitting vehicles, improved emissions testing procedures using on-board diagnostics data, emissions checks and data reporting at required intervals, and compliance verification requirements for freight contractors, seaports, and railyards, the regulation is one of the most impactful regulations approved in recent CARB history. When fully implemented, the regulation is projected to cut statewide NOx emissions by over 81 tons per day and PM emissions by 0.7 tons per day in 2037. Together, these emissions reductions will result in over 7,500 avoided premature deaths.