2022 - Senate Bill 1305 (Laid, John), State Vehicle Fleet: Alternative Fuel Vehicles (Chaptered)
Bill Information
Repeals portions of the public resources code which require the Department of General Services (DGS) to coordinate with CARB to develop and adopt specifications and standards for passenger cars and light‑duty trucks for the State vehicle fleet. The bill repeals the requirement for DGS to amend the “Enhanced Efficiency Costing Methodology for Passenger Cars and Light-Duty Vehicles.” The bill also requires DGS, on or before January 1, 2023, to maximize the purchase and availability of alternative fuel vehicles in the State vehicle fleet by adopting a procurement method to evaluate those vehicles, and would require the department, for the purchase of passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks powered solely by an internal combustion engine, to evaluate the cost and environmental and energy benefits of that purchase.