2022 - Senate Bill 210 (Wiener, Scott), Automated License Plate Recognition Systems: Use of Data (Dead)
Bill Information
Would have changed retention rules surrounding information captured by automatic license plate readers (ALPR). Current law authorizes the Department of the California Highway Patrol to retain license plate data captured by license plate reader technology for not more than 60 days unless the data is being used as evidence, or for the investigation of felonies. This data can be shared with law enforcement agencies and requires both an ALPR operator and an ALPR end-user, as those terms are defined, to implement a usage and privacy policy regarding that ALPR information. This bill would have required, if the ALPR operator or ALPR end-user is a public agency and not an airport authority, ALPR data be destroyed within 24 hours if it does not match a hot list. Held on suspense in the Senate Appropriations Committee.