2022 - SB 1226 (Durazno, Maria Elena), Joint Powers Agreements: Zero-Emission Transportation Systems or Facilities (Chaptered)
Bill Number
SB 1226
Legislative Session
Bill Information
Climate Change, Transportation Planning, Land Use, and Housing
Durazo.Maria Elena
Office of Legislative Affairs
Correo electrónico
Allows a private, nonprofit corporation that provides services to zero-emission transportation systems or facilities, including, but not limited to, finance, design, construction, operation, or maintenance, to enter into a joint powers agreement with a public agency to facilitate the development, construction, and operation of zero-emission transportation systems or facilities that lower GHGs, reduce vehicle congestion and VMT, and improve public transit connections. Requires that a board of directors govern the joint agency formed, board membership determined by the participating public agencies, and prohibits the representation of corporations on the board from exceeding 50 percent. The bill will be repealed on January 1, 2032.