Previous Versions of the Funding Guidelines for Agencies that Administer California Climate Investments
Some of these materials are available in Spanish, please send an e-mail to GGRFProgram@arb.ca.gov to request a copy. (Algunos de estos materiales están disponibles en español, envíe un correo electrónico a GGRFProgram@arb.ca.gov para solicitar una copia).
2023 Draft Funding Guidelines Supplement for California Carbon Sequestration and Climate Resiliency Project Registry
Senate Bill 27 directs the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) to establish the California Carbon Sequestration and Climate Resiliency Project Registry (Registry) by July 1, 2023 for investments in natural and working lands. Projects that applied for California Climate Investments or other State funded programs that did not receive funding due to lack of available funds but otherwise meet CARB’s minimum program requirements are eligible to be listed on the Registry. This document, the Draft Funding Guidelines Supplement for California Carbon Sequestration and Climate Resiliency Project Registry (Supplement), establishes those minimum program requirements to ensure carbon removal benefits. This Draft Supplement is available for public comment until June 2, 2023. Comments can be sent to GGRFProgram@arb.ca.gov. CARB staff expects to release the Final Supplement in advance of CNRA’s regulation to establish the Registry in the coming year. A beta version of the California Carbon Sequestration and Climate Resiliency Project Registry can be found on CNRA’s website.
2022 Update to Funding Guidelines Section VII.B on Priority Population Definitions
Providing benefits to priority populations, which include disadvantaged communities and low-income communities and households, is a core component of the California Climate Investments portfolio. Senate Bill (SB) 535 (De León, Chapter 830, Statutes of 2012) tasks the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) with identifying disadvantaged communities. Assembly Bill (AB) 1550 (Gomez, Chapter 369, Statutes of 2016) provides thresholds for low-income communities and households. SB 535 and AB 1550 together require that a minimum percentage of California Climate Investments funding benefit these priority populations.
In October 2021, the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment released CalEnviroScreen 4.0, an updated version of the screening tool that CalEPA uses to identify disadvantaged communities. CalEPA released updated disadvantaged community designations in May 2022. Consistent with the Funding Guidelines, CARB has updated the reference years used to identify low-income communities and households in response to CalEPA’s updated disadvantaged community designation. CARB and administering agencies are transitioning to full implementation of these updated designations.
These updates have necessitated some modifications to the project selection and reporting requirements for California Climate Investment programs. On May 3, 2022, CARB released the 2022 Update to Section VII.B on Priority Population Definitions, which provides guidance for administering agencies transitioning to the updated definitions. This limited update is to be used in conjunction with the 2018 Funding Guidelines.
2018 Funding Guidelines
CARB released the "Funding Guidelines for Agencies that Administer California Climate Investments" (Funding Guidelines) on August 30, 2018. The 2018 Funding Guidelines provide flexibility in implementing a diverse set of investments while maintaining transparency of outcomes and ensuring meaningful community benefits from these investments.
- 2018 Funding Guidelines
- Funding Guidelines companion materials: Benefit Criteria Tables and Reporting Templates
- Board Resolution
Board Hearing Materials
- Notice
- Proposed 2018 Funding Guidelines
- Proposed 2018 Funding Guidelines including tracked changes from
the Draft Revised 2018 Funding Guidelines - Response to Comments on the Draft Revised 2018 Funding Guidelines
- Presentation
- View Comments (Comment period July 2, 2018 - July 23, 2018)
Public Workshop Materials
- Community Meeting Notice and Location
- Community Meeting Presentation Materials
- Funding Guidelines Discussion Document
- View Comments (Comment period April 17, 2018 - May 16, 2018)
2017 Draft Funding Guidelines
On August 4, 2017, CARB released the "2017 Draft Funding Guidelines for Agencies that Administer California Climate Investments." CARB did not finalize this document because legislation enacted in 2017 required additional revisions.
Public Workshop Materials
- Community Meeting Notice
- Draft Funding Guidelines Discussion Document for Community Meetings
- Community Meeting Presentation Materials
- Sacramento Workshop Presentation Materials
- View Comments
Funding Guidelines Supplement for FY 2016-17 Funds
On December 30, 2016, CARB released the "Funding Guidelines Supplement for FY 2016-17 Funds" to be used in conjunction with the 2015 Funding Guidelines. This document provides interim direction for administering agencies implementing the September 2016 funding appropriations established in the Budget Act of 2016 (AB 1613).
2015 Funding Guidelines
On December 21, 2015, CARB released the "Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds: Funding Guidelines for Agencies that Administer California Climate Investments."
Some of these materials are available in Spanish, please send an e-mail to GGRFProgram@arb.ca.gov to request a copy. (Algunos de estos materiales están disponibles en español, envíe un correo electrónico a GGRFProgram@arb.ca.gov para solicitar una copia).
Board Hearing on the Proposed Funding Guidelines
On September 24, 2015, CARB held a public hearing to consider the Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds Funding Guidelines for Agencies that Administer California Climate Investments.
Board Hearing Materials
- Notice
- Presentation
- Proposed Guidelines for Board Consideration (Sept. 4)
- Summary of revisions reflected in the Proposed Funding Guidelines relative to the June 16th version.
- Board Resolution
- View Comments
Public Workshops on the Draft Funding Guidelines
State law requires CARB to develop guidance for all State agencies that receive appropriations from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, including guidance on reporting, quantification methods, and maximizing benefits to disadvantaged communities. To comply with this law, CARB developed Funding Guidelines to help these agencies use their appropriations in a way that reduces greenhouse gases, furthers the purposes of AB 32, maximizes benefits to disadvantaged communities, and meets the other statutory requirements.
The June 16, 2015 discussion draft of the Funding Guidelines was posted below. On July 13, CARB posted additional supplemental text to the discussion draft that identifies potential changes for public discussion. CARB held a workshop on June 22, 2015 in Sacramento to receive public comment on the discussion draft
- Funding Guidelines discussion draft (June 16)
- Funding Guidelines Supplemental Text - for public discussion (July 13)
Workshop Materials
Series of workshops in August 2015
Los Angeles Workshop - July 16, 2015
Sacramento Workshop - June 22, 2015