Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Projects
What does it fund?
Pre-commercial demonstrations and large-scale pilots of advanced vehicles, engines, equipment, and transportation systems. These projects primarily demonstrate zero-emission vehicles and equipment that help California to meet its goals to reduce criteria pollutants, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and petroleum use.
Visit the Projects in Action to learn more.
Who is eligible for funds?
Local air districts, other California public entities, and nonprofits, which must partner with private sector parties (e.g., end-users, manufacturers) to demonstrate advanced technology vehicles and equipment in revenue service.
Are there recent policy changes?
A third-party administrator will be responsible for assisting with implementation of the projects from the technical solicitation.
How does this program provide benefits to priority populations?
Typically, projects are required to be located in or serving priority populations. All project applications receive extra points if they are located in priority populations. So far 99 percent of all Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot projects have been located in or benefitted priority populations.
How do I access funds?
Private industry can apply through a competitive statewide solicitation after teaming with an eligible applicant.
Funding Sources
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
- Air Quality Improvement Fund
- General Fund
- Transportation Corridor Enhancement Account Fund
Last updated: June 2024