PERP Local Air District Notification Form
Section 2459 of Article 5 (Title 13) of the California Code of Regulations states that if a registered equipment unit will be in a district for more than five days, the owner or operator shall notify the district by electronic mail, in writing, via facsimile, or by telephone, within two working days of commencing operations in that district. The notification shall include all the items shown in the form below.
The regulation also states that if the owner or operator did not expect the duration of operation in the district to trigger the notification requirement, the owner or operator shall notify the district within 12 hours of determining that the equipment unit will be operating in the district for more than five days.
You may use the following online form to notify the affected air district if you are required to comply with Section 2459.
All of this information is important, so please be sure to completely fill out the form before submitting it. If you have any questions about filling out the form, please direct them to the local air district. Here is a list of local air districts if you need it: Click Here