California Air Resources Board (CARB) selected Baldwin Hills and other communities near the Inglewood Oil Field (IOF communities) as a location for CARB’s Study of Neighborhood Air near Petroleum Sources (SNAPS). SNAPS quantifies a wide range of criteria pollutants, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), metals, and toxic air contaminants from air pollution sources (e.g., IOF, vehicles, and others) potentially impacting air quality in communities.
The Inglewood Oil Field Communities Draft Air Monitoring Plan (Draft Plan) contains information on air monitoring methods utilized by SNAPS. The Draft Plan includes details regarding stationary monitoring equipment and data collection, as well as prospective mobile monitoring areas in IOF communities.
SNAPS staff accepted feedback on the Draft Plan through July 31, 2022. In response, staff met with those that submitted feedback to discuss responses one-on-one and have also responded to the most frequently asked questions received from community stakeholders here.