Environmental Justice Committee launches series of statewide meetings to hear concerns, get input on air pollution and California's Climate Change Action Plan
For immediate release
SACRAMENTO - On Monday, July 11, the Environmental Justice Advisory Committee will host the first in a series of meetings to provide residents with the opportunity to meet with local advocates and state officials to share concerns and provide input on addressing air pollution and how to help California meet its 2030 greenhouse gas reduction targets.
The meetings are being organized by the Environmental Justice Advisory Committee with the help of the California Air Resources Board. The EJAC consists of representatives from communities in the state with the most significant exposure to air pollution, including those with minority or low-income populations. The goal of these meetings is to get input on the state’s Climate Change Action Plan, also known as the Scoping Plan, that is currently being developed to cut greenhouse gases 40 percent by 2030.
Development of the Scoping Plan is a central requirement of AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. The plan is built on the principle that a balanced mix of strategies is the best way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and grow the economy in a clean and sustainable direction.
Each meeting will feature a “Gallery Walk” showcasing large informational posters as well as “World Café” sessions where groups will discuss specific subjects related to California’s Climate Change Action Plan.
Meetings will be held in San Bernardino (Monday, July 11); San Diego (Thursday, July 14); Oakland (Tuesday, July 19); Wilmington (Monday, July 25); South Los Angeles (Tuesday, July 26); Fresno, Modesto, and Bakersfield (Thursday, July 28); and Sacramento (Friday, July 29). Meetings are also planned to be held this Fall in additional locations.
For more information on times and locations, and to learn more about the Environmental Justice Advisory Committee, please visit: https://www.arb.ca.gov/ejac