Consumer Products companies pay for air quality violations
For immediate release
SACRAMENTO - The Air Resources Board announced that since May, it has settled 38 cases involving air quality violations primarily by companies manufacturing or selling consumer products for exceeding California’s limits for volatile organic compounds. The products ranged from footwear and leather care to air freshener liquids and general purpose degreasers. These settlements mitigated over 26 tons of excess emissions of VOCs.
The amount collected went to the California Air Pollution Control Fund to support air quality projects and research to improve California’s air quality.
“These products are found in almost every household. That’s why it’s important for companies who produce them to ensure they meet California’s air quality regulations and limit the level of pollution these products generate.” said ARB Enforcement Chief James Ryden.
The fines totaled $796,200. The five companies paying the highest amounts were:
- Rite Aid - $410,000
- Delta Brands (2 cases) - $77,000
- AutoZone - $60,000
- Domistyle - $36,000
- Innovative Brands - $23,000
The 32 other companies with fines totaling $190,200 were: Geiss, Destin & Dunn; IDQ; Pomeroy; M&F Western; Sophia’s International; Genlabs; Briggs and Stratton; BKB Automotive; Lundmark Wax; Giftcraft; Dipyque; Gerson; Aromatiques; Home Depot; Personal Care Products; Silkolene; Lifetime Brands; Certol International; Full Spektrem; Cortex; Homax; Demeter; Attwood; Heads-up Industries; Handstands; Household Essentials; Aervoe; Cost Plus; Premier Brands; Sherwin Williams; and Mavala/Lela Distributors.
Volatile organic compounds are gases released from solids and liquids, contributing to ozone formation once released into the air. Ozone, an element of smog, causes respiratory health effects including: an irritation of the lungs; shortness of breath; coughing; and aggravation of asthma and other lung diseases.
Volatile organic compounds can be found in a number of products such as paints, wood preservatives, aerosol sprays, cleansers and disinfectants, air fresheners, stored fuels and automotive products, and more.
For more information on ARB’s consumer products regulations, see: