Número del envío: 613
ID del envío: 8821
Submission UUID: 4621e0ba-1ed2-4fcc-af4a-8ccaff55e6f3

Creado: Mar, 27/02/2024 - 15:26
Completado: Mar, 27/02/2024 - 15:26
Modificado: Mar, 27/02/2024 - 16:12

Remote IP address:
Enviado por: Anónimo
Idioma: English

Is draft: No


Submitted Comment
Rich Elam
Comments for CA grid electricity used in Smart Charging or Smart Electrolysis

The way Climate Change is accelerating faster than any of the actual scientists researching it have predicted, I would say anything California can do to help reduce the CO2 released into the atmosphere is a Great idea.
None of these suggestions limit the development and production of low carbon fuels or the profits made from them by the producers.