Número del envío: 502
ID del envío: 7521
Submission UUID: ab8804e0-9890-45d9-93a3-f241b6bbdd26

Creado: Lun, 25/12/2023 - 21:46
Completado: Lun, 25/12/2023 - 21:46
Modificado: Mar, 26/12/2023 - 07:49

Remote IP address:
Enviado por: Anónimo
Idioma: English

Is draft: No


Submitted Comment
Joshua Kehoe
California Resident
Application No. B0485

Dear CARB Personnel,

No attached document for this application, just a hat tip to Trillium and my support of this project. My understanding of this application is California waste products processed in California with use of the resultant methane in California. This project appears to my amateur eye to be the type of project that is worthwhile promoting via LCFS credit generation. Assuming the LCFS program directly raises the cost of deficit-generating gasoline and diesel, I would like to know the added costs to the California consumer shouldering most of these costs is rewarded with GHG emission reductions locally, and support of California-based producers and residents.

This is in stark contrast to other projects receiving LCFS credits where fossil NG is used to generate hydrogen and yet somehow avoided methane emissions outside of California can be purchased and utilized to obtain LCFS credits. Pardon my language, but such creative carbon accounting is complete bull***t and I am appalled the costs via the LCFS program are passed on to California consumers like myself for avoided methane emissions occurring outside of California.

Apologies for the digression. I support Trillium's application and am happy to support, via LCFS costs passed on to me and every other Californian in the form of higher gasoline and diesel costs, Trillium's generation of NG via their recycling/composting process.

Josh Kehoe