FCAA Title V Guidance- Monitoring, Recordkeeping, & Reporting
This file lists U.S. EPA alternative monitoring methods and California test methods that have been determined by the U.S. EPA, Region IX, to be technically acceptable for inclusion into the State Implementation Plan (SIP) or for use in conjunction with SIP approved rules. However, the U.S. EPA reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of any accepted test method for compliance determinations in new or revised rules submitted for incorporation into the SIP. Initial compliance testing for NSPS must be done with U.S. EPA methods.
The links to the following web sites are provided for information only. Although newer versions of some methods may be available at these web sites, only the versions specially approved by EPA can be used to demonstrate compliance with SIP rules.
Equivalent Monitoring Methods
The file lists the method number, the title of the test method, the adoption date of the method version approved by the U.S. EPA, Region IX, and the link to the Federal Register notice. There are comments at the end of this list associated with the test methods identified by an asterisk (*).
EPA 1 | New Equivalent Method for Monitoring PM10 April 8, 2004 Federal Register Notice |
Alternative Test Methods
The file lists the regulatory agency (district or ARB), the method number, the title of the test method, and the adoption date of the method version approved by the U.S. EPA, Region IX. There are comments at the end of this list associated with the test methods identified by an asterisk (*).
For further information, please contact Stanley Tong at (415) 947-4122 of U.S. EPA, Region IX.
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ARB 1 | Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary Sources March 28, 1986 |
ARB 2 | Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate (Type S Pitot Tube) June 29, 1983 |
ARB 2A | Direct Measurement of Gas Volume Through Pipes and Small Ducts March 28, 1986 |
ARB 3 | Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen, Excess Air, and Molecular Weight March 28, 1986 |
ARB 4 | Determination of Moisture Content in Stack Gases June 29, 1983 |
ARB 5* | Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions from Stationary Sources July 28, 1997 |
ARB 7 | Determination of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Stationary Sources September 26, 1996 |
ARB 10 | Determination of Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Stationary Sources June 29, 1983 |
ARB 12 | Determination of Inorganic Lead Emissions from Stationary Sources March 28, 1986 |
ARB 13A | Determination of Fluoride Emissions: SPADNS Zirconium Lake Method March 28, 1986 |
ARB 17 | Particulate Emissions (In-Stack Filtration Method) June 29, 1983 |
ARB 100 | Procedures for Continuous Gaseous Emission Stack Sampling June 28, 1997 |
ARB 310 | Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in Consumer Products and Reactive Organic Compounds in Aerosol Coating Products June 22, 2000. |
ARB 401* | Determination of the Weight Percent of VOC in Waste Products March 28, 1986 |
ARB 422 | Exempt Halogenated VOCs in Gases September 12, 1990 |
ARB 425* | Determination of Total and Hexavalent Chromium Emissions July 28, 1997 |
ARB 428* | Determination of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxin, Polychlorinated Dibenzofuran, and Polychlorinated Biphenyl Emissions From Stationary Sources July 3, 2004 |
ARB 431 | Determination of Ethyne Oxide Emissions from Stationary Sources November 13, 1998 |
ARB 432 | Exempt Halogenated VOC in Liquids September 12, 1989 |
ARB 436 | Determination of Multiple Metals September 26, 1996 |
BAAQMD 4A | Determination of Lead Collected on Particulate Filters February 27, 1996 |
BAAQMD 9 | Determination of Compliance Solvents, Coatings, and Related Products December 12, 1990 |
BAAQMD 10 | Determination of Sulfur in Fuel Oil September 2, 1998 |
BAAQMD 10A | Determination of Sulfur in Petroleum and Petroleum Products May 18, 2005 |
BAAQMD 13 | Determination of the Reid Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products September 1989 |
BAAQMD 15A | Standardization and Analysis of Permanent Gases and Methane September 15, 2000 |
BAAQMD 17 | Standardization of Hydrocarbon Calibration Gases September 15, 2000 |
BAAQMD 21 | Compliance for Air-Dried Arch., Water-Based Coatings June 1989, amended May 18, 2005 |
BAAQMD 22 | Compliance, Air-Dried Solvent-Based Coating December 20, 1995, amended May 18, 2005 |
ASTM D6133-02 | Standard Test method for Acetone, p-Chlorobenzotrifluoride, Methyl Acetate or t-Butyl Acetate Content of Solventborne and Waterborne Paints, Coatings, Resins, and Raw Materials by Direct Injection Into a Gas Chromatograph May 12, 2004 |
BAAQMD 23 | Determination of Volatile Emissions from Polyester Resins April 15, 1992 |
BAAQMD 26 | Determination of Volatile Weight Loss of Gel Coats April 15, 1992 |
BAAQMD 28 | Determination of Vapor Pressure of Organic Liquids from Tanks March 22, 1991 |
BAAQMD 29 | Determination of Ethanol in Bakery Effluents December 21, 1988 |
BAAQMD 31 | Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Paint Strippers, Solvent Cleaners, and Low Solids Coatings November 1989, amended May 18, 2005 |
BAAQMD 33 | Determination of Dissolved Critical VOCs in Waste Water Separators November 1, 1989, amended May 18, 2005 |
BAAQMD 35 | VOC in Solvent-Based Aerosol Paints January 19, 1994 |
BAAQMD 36 | VOC in Water-Based Aerosol Paints October 3, 1990 |
BAAQMD 37 | Determination of Perchloroethylene in Dry Cleaning Filtration Wastes April 3, 1991 |
BAAQMD 38 | Determination of Petroleum Solvent in Dry Cleaning Filtration Wastes April 3, 1991 |
BAAQMD 39 | Determination of Styrene Monomer Content of Polyester Resins April 15, 1992 |
BAAQMD 40 | Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Adhesives Used for Pipes and Fittings June 5, 1996 |
BAAQMD 41 | Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Solvent-Based Coatings and Related Materials Containing Parachlorobenzotrifluoride December 20, 1995, amended May 18, 2005 |
BAAQMD 42 | Determination of Ammonia in Coatings, Inks, and Related Materials November 6, 1996 |
BAAQMD 43 | Determination of Volatile Methylsiloxanes in Solvent-Based Coatings, Inks, and Related Materials November 6, 1996, amended May 18, 2005 |
BAAQMD 45* | Determination of Butanes and Pentanes in Polymeric Materials January 19, 2000, amended May 18, 2005 |
BAAQMD 46 | Determination of the Composite Partial Pressure of Volatile Organic Compounds in Cleaning Products, amended May 18, 2005 |
BAAQMD ST-1B | Ammonia, Continuous Sampling January 20, 1982 |
BAAQMD ST-3 | Bulk Plants Emission Factor Determination December 21, 1994 |
BAAQMD ST-7* | Organic Compounds April 15, 1992 |
BAAQMD ST-27 | Gasoline Dispensing Facility - Dynamic Back Pressure December 21, 1994 |
BAAQMD ST-30 | Gasoline Dispensing Facility - Leak Test Procedure December 21, 1994 |
BAAQMD ST-32 | Ethanol, Integrated Sampling December 21, 1988 |
BAAQMD ST-33 | Gasoline Cargo Tanks December 21, 1994 |
BAAQMD ST-34 | Bulk Gasoline Distribution Facilities-ER Unit or C Adsorption December 21, 1994 |
SCAQMD RO | Protocol for Determination of Particulate and Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Restaurant Operations November 14, 1997 |
SCAQMD TE* | Procedure for Testing Spray Equipment Transfer Efficiency May 24, 1989 |
SCAQMD CS* | Solvent Losses from Spray Gun Cleaning Systems October 3, 1989 |
SCAQMD CE | Protocol for Determination of VOC Capture Efficiency May 1995 |
SCAQMD 1.1 | Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary Sources March 1989 |
SCAQMD 1.2 | Sample and Velocity Traverse for Stationary Sources with Small Stacks March 1989 |
SCAQMD 2.1 | Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate (S-Type Pitot Tube) March 1989 |
SCAQMD 2.2 | Direct Measurement of Gas Volume Through Pipes and Small Ducts March 1989 |
SCAQMD 2.3 | Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate from Small Stacks or Ducts March 1989 |
SCAQMD 3.1 | Gas Analysis for Dry Molecular Weight and Excess Air March 1989 |
SCAQMD 4.1 | Determination of Moisture Content in Stack Gases March 1989 |
SCAQMD 5.1 | Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions -- Wet Impingement March 1989 |
SCAQMD 5.2 | Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions -- Heated Probe and Filter March 1989 |
SCAQMD 5.3 | Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions from Stationary Sources Using an In-Stack Filter October 2005 |
SCAQMD 6.1 | Determination of Sulfuric Acid and Sulfur Oxides from Stationary Sources March 1989 |
SCAQMD 7.1 | Determination of NOx Emissions from Stationary Sources March 1989 |
SCAQMD 9B | Opacity Methods No. 9B October 2005 |
SCAQMD 10.1 | Method 10.1 Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide by Gas Chromatograph/nondispersive infrared detector (GC/NDIR) - Oxygen by Gas Chromatograph - Thermal Conductivity (GC/TCD), September 24, 2008 |
SCAQMD 25.1 | Total Gaseous Non-Methane Organic Emissions February 1991 |
SCAQMD 25.3 | Determination of Low Concentration Non-Ethane Non-Methane Organic Compound Emissions From Clean-Fueled Combustion Sources March 2000 |
SCAQMD 100.1 | Instrumental Analyzer Procedures for Continuous Gaseous Sampling March 1989 |
SCAQMD 205.1 | Determination of Hexavalent and Total Chromium from Plating August 1991 |
SCAQMD 300-91 | Analysis of Asbestos in Bulk Materials August 1996 |
SCAQMD 301-91 | Identification of Particles by Microscopy August 1996 |
SCAQMD 302-91 | Distillation of Solvents from Paints, Coatings, and Inks February 1993 |
SCAQMD 303-91 | Determination of Exempt Compounds August 1996 |
SCAQMD 304-91 | Determination of VOC in Various Materials February 1996 |
SCAQMD 305-91 | Determination of VOC in Aerosol Applications June 1993 |
SCAQMD 306-91 | Analysis of Pentanes in Expandable Styrene Polymers February 1993 |
SCAQMD 307-91 | Determination of Sulfur in a Gaseous Matrix March 1994 |
SCAQMD 308-91 | Quantitation of Compounds by Gas Chromatography February 1993 |
SCAQMD 309-91 | Determination of Static Volatile Emissions February 1993 |
SCAQMD 310-91 | Determination of Perchloroethylene May 1993 |
SCAQMD 312-91 | Determination of Percent Monomer in Polyester Resins April 1996 |
SCAQMD 313-91 | Determination of VOC by GC / MS June 1993 |
SCAQMD 314-91 | Quantitation of Photochemically Reactive Compounds February 1993 |
SCAQMD 315-91 | Determination of H2S and Mercaptans in Oil and Sludge Samples November 1996 |
SCAQMD 316B-97 | Determination of VOCs in Adhesives Containing Cyanoacrylates August 1997 |
SCAQMD 316A-92 | Determination of VOCs in Materials Used for Pipes And Fittings October 1996 |
SCAQMD 317-93 | Determination of Natural Fibers August 1996 |
SCAQMD 318-95* | Determination of Weight Percent Elemental Metal in Coatings by X-Ray July 1996 |
SCAQMD 501.1 | Total Non-Methane Vapors from Organic Loading and Storage March 1989 |
SCAQMD 1146* | Protocol for the Measurement of Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, and Oxygen from Sources Subject to South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1146, September 2001 |
SDAPCD | Raoult's Law Calculation for Vapor Pressure of VOC Mixtures |
SDAPCD 24D* | Determination of Density, Total Volatile Matter Content and Weight Solids of Surface Coatings Containing Photosensitive Reactive Diluents July 1993 |
SDAPCD 100* | Test Procedures for the Determination of Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Monoxide and Diluent Gases by Continuous Emission Monitoring May 1995 |
SJVUAPCD LBNL-VP* | Vapor Pressure of Reactive Organic Compounds in Heavy Crude Oil Using Gas Chromatography May 2002 |
ARB 401 | This method cannot be substituted for EPA Method 25D |
ARB 425 | This method has been approved as an alternative to EPA Method 306 for the purpose o fdemonstrating compliance with the Chrome Plating ATCM / NESHAP |
ARB 428 | This method has been approved as an alternative to EPA Method 23 for measuring dioxin/furan emissions from the secondary aluminum facilities in California specified as follows: ALRAYCO, LLC, Adelanto CA; Commonwealth Aluminum Corp., Long Beach, CA; Custom Alloy Light Metals, Inc., City of Industry, CA; Custom Alloy Sales, Lynwood, CA; Custom Alloy Scrap Sales, Oakland, CA;Indalex West Inc., City of Industry, CA; Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp., Commerce, CA; Liston Brick of Corona, Corona, CA; Pechiney Cast Plate, Vernon, CA; Timco Standard Tandem, Fontana, CA; Thorock Metals Company, Compton, CA; Tri Alloy Group LLC, Montclair, CA; United State Marine Corp, Twentynine Palms, CA; and Vista Metals Corp., Fontana, CA; provided they only use high resolution mass spectrometry for sample analysis. |
BAAQMD ST-7 | This method cannot be used for combustion processes |
BAAQMD 22 - ALT. METHOD | This method is not approved for compliance determination with NSPS or NESHAPs |
BAAQMD 45 | This method is not approved for compliance determination with NSPS or NESHAPs |
SCAQMD TE | This method cannot be used for generating TE credits |
SCAQMD CS | This method cannot be used for actual emission results |
SCAQMD 318-95 | Use for metals other than Aluminum requires validation |
SCAQMD 1146 | SCAQMD Rule 1146 must clarify that SCAQMD 1146 Method is an alternative rather than an equivalent method |
SDAPCD 24D | This method is only acceptable for NAPP Systems Inc. in the San Diego APCD |
SDAPCD 100 | This method does not measure SO2 |
SJVUAPCD LBNL-VP | This method has not been reviewed or approved for use in determining compliance with other programs e.g. the air toxic program. The definition of heavy crude oil in section 3.1.2 should be modified to state it is 26 degrees or less to make this section consistent with Section 1.2. |
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