Equilon Enterprises LLC dba Shell Oil Products US Settlement
Equilon Enterprises LLC dba Shell Oil Products US Case Settles for $45,000
In June 2014, Shell Oil Products US paid $45,000 in penalties for violating California RVP limits associated with the California gasoline fuel regulation. On June 8, 2011, Shell reported to the ARB’s Enforcement staff that fuel aboard Barge 550-4, docked at Mormon Island in the Los Angeles area, contained premium CARBOB gasoline that exceeded the 5.99 cap limit for Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP). Shell had a third party lab obtain samples from the barge and analyze the fuel. The test results from two of the four compartments exceeded the RVP cap with values of 6.02 psi and 6.11 psi, respectively. The volume of the non-complying CARBOB in these two compartments totaled approximately 25,000 barrels. Each violating compartment onboard the barge represents a separate violation; in this case two violations of the RVP cap limit occurred over a period of one day. Shell cooperated fully throughout the investigation and brought the fuel into compliance prior to releasing it for sale into California.