Environmental Justice Advisory Committee Events Archive
Correo electrónico
This page Archived May 13, 2020. Last reviewed October 24, 2013
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On January 25, 2007, the Board appointed the first environmental justice advisory committee to advise it on the Initial Scoping Plan and other climate change programs. Below is the archive of events and activities of the first EJAC.
Materials from the 2007-2010 EJAC
EJAC Presentation at the ARB Board Workshop on May 28, 2008 (presented by Angela Johnson-Meszaros
EJAC Meetings 2007 - 2010
- March 15, 2007
- April 30, 2007
- May 17, 2007
- May 23, 2007
- May 30, 2007
- October 29, 2007
- January 28, 2008
- March 25, 2008
- May 27, 2008
- June 20, 2008
- July 30, 2008
- August 7, 2008
- September 23, 2008
- October 21, 2008
- December 2, 2008
- April 13, 2009
- June 9, 2010
- August 16, 2010