Dynojet Research, Inc. and Dynatek Ignitions, Inc. Settlement
Dynojet Research, Inc. and Dynatek Ignitions, Inc., Settle for $2,100,000
In May 2007, California Air Resources Board (CARB) reached a previous settlement with Dynojet Research, Inc. (Dynojet) related to the sale of non-exempted aftermarket vehicle parts or devices in California. Dynojet has expanded its aftermarket product offerings without applying for new exemptions from CARB.
In January 2022, CARB reached a settlement with Dynojet and Dynatek Ignitions, Inc. (Dynatek) for emissions violations related to the sale of non-exempted aftermarket vehicle parts or devices in California. Dynojet had acquired Dynatek, a manufacturer in motorcycle electronic products. Both companies are located in North Las Vegas, Nevada. Dynojet and Dynatek advertised, sold, offered to sell, and/or advertised parts or devices that alter or modify the original design or performance of required motor vehicle pollution control devices or systems on California vehicles that have not been exempted by CARB from Vehicle Code sections 27156 and 38391. This conduct was in violation of Vehicle Code sections 27156 and 38391 and California Code of Regulations, title 13, sections 2220 et seq., or 2470 et seq.
CARB’s settlement was the result of a collaborative effort with the California Attorney General’s Office. CARB referred this case to the California Attorney General’s Office in February 2020. After several months of negotiations, an agreement was not reached resulting in a formal complaint being filed with the County of Los Angeles Superior Court and recorded in January 2021. CARB and Dynojet and Dynatek agreed to a Stipulated Judgment requiring the companies to pay a total penalty of $2,100,000 into CARB’s Air Pollution Control Fund, which provides funding for projects and research to improve California's air quality.
Dynojet and Dynatek have agreed to the terms set forth in the Stipulated Judgment to not install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise in California, any aftermarket part in violation of Vehicle Code sections 27156 and 38391 and California Code of Regulations, title 13, sections 2220 et seq., or 2470 et seq. Dynojet and Dynatek cooperated with CARB to resolve this matter.
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