Dutra Construction Co., Inc. Settlement
Dutra Construction Co., Inc. Settles for $148,500.00
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) conducted a routine inspection of 6 vessels, with a collective total of 13 diesel engines, owned and operated by Dutra Construction Co., Inc., based in San Rafael, California. The results of the inspections established 9 in-use engine violations and 14 recordkeeping violations for a total of 23 violations of the Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation, CCR Title 17, Section 93118.5. The total penalty assessed was $148,500 with a per unit penalty of $6,456.52. In addition to the penalty, the responsible party has agreed to 3 years of annual reporting of their California fleet operations to CARB, beginning with the current year, 2020. A Settlement Agreement detailing the violation and terms of resolution was signed and fully executed in August 2020. Dutra Construction Co., Inc. is now in compliance with the Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation.