CSU, Chico Settlement
California State University, Chico Case Settles for $5,000.00
In August 2013, California State University, Chico, (CSU Chico) paid $5,000.00 in penalties on behalf of CSU Chico, Otto Construction and Omni Pipelines for violating air quality regulations.
State law establishes the Asbestos National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Asbestos NESHAP) as an Airborne Toxic Control Measure (Asbestos ATCM) enforceable by ARB. The Asbestos ATCM requires the owner(s) or operator(s) of demolition or renovation activities to provide written notification of the intention to demolish or renovate a regulated facility ten (10) working days before work begins.
An inspection by the Air Resources Board (ARB) showed that CSU Chico, Otto Construction, and Omni Pipelines failed to properly notify ARB before demolishing a Yuba Hall, a structure owned by CSU Chico. To settle the case, CSU Chico, Otto Construction, and Omni Pipelines agreed to the $5,000.00 penalty. CSU Chico also agreed to provide classroom facilities for ARB to use when conducting compliance training for Asbestos contractors and inspectors.