Case-by-Case Determinations: Portable and Stationary Agricultural Sources
Reference # 2016-05
Request: Allow payment for a diesel electrification project (#17-70) that was not fully operational until after the effective regulatory compliance date as a result of utility provider delays.
Air District: Ventura County APCD
Guideline Section(s): (2011) Agricultural Assistance Program, Sections D(1)(c) and D.2; Chapter 3, BB (11)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The District issued a grant to replace a diesel engine with an electric motor. Documentation from the equipment vendor/installer confirmed that utility provider did not complete electrical line installation until January 27, 2016 which was after the regulatory deadline to replace the diesel engine. The grant applicant has assured the air district that the diesel engine was taken out of service prior to the December 31, 2015 regulatory deadline and photographs confirm destruction of the diesel engine.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: May 24, 2016
Contact: Fernando Berton (916) 327-9435
Reference # 2016-04
Request: Allow Carl Moyer funds to pay for a pump and associated plumbing costs on an agricultural repower project (#18-17-CMP-05).
Air District: Lassen County APCD
Guideline Section(s): (2011) Chapter 10, Section C.1.(J)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The estimate received by the district included the cost of a pump and plumbing costs. These costs are only allowed upon approval of ARB. Documentation received by the vendor confirmed that the pump system is a trailer-mounted close-coupled system and are integral parts of each other. A case-by-case exemption has been granted based on vendor information.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: April 26, 2016
Contact: Fernando Berton (916) 327-9435
Reference # 2015-09
Request: Allow an Agricultural Assistance repower project (#17-74) that utilizes an existing motor controlled by a new variable frequency drive.
Air District: Ventura County APCD
Guideline Section(s): 2011 Guidelines, Agricultural Assistance Program, Section D.2 and Chapter 10, Section C.2.(A)(1)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district has received an application for a repower project that proposes to destroy an existing diesel engine and replace that operation with an existing motor controlled by a new variable frequency drive (VFD). The current diesel engine is used when lower flow rates are needed, which the existing motor cannot adjust for. The VFD will allow the motor to control the water flow rates needed to optimize crop irrigation. ARB is providing an exemption from the guideline requirements that a new engine or motor must be a required component of a repower project and granting approval for this repower project to proceed if the VFD is installed and operation prior to December 31, 2015.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, is surplus to existing emission control rules, and meets Agricultural Assistance Program (AAP) funding requirements. Although this project follows the 2011 Moyer Guidelines it is the district's intention that they will be funded with local district funds via the Agricultural Assistance Program (AAP). If utilizing CARL, please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field. Place a copy of this posting approval with the AAP project files.
Determination Date: July 9, 2015
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2015-03
Request: Extend the Agricultural Assistance project (#16-6) completion date past the Stationary Engine ATCM compliance date.
Air District: Ventura County APCD
Guideline Section(s): 2011 Guidelines, Agricultural Assistance Program, Section D.1(C)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district has received documentation that the lead time for these two final Tier 4 diesel engines is unusually long due to mounting of new engine into an irrigation unit frame. The contract for this irrigation engine repower project was fully executed on September 12, 2014, the engine order was placed at the dealer's risk in July of 2014, and on December 24, 2014 the District granted this engine an extension to operate past the Stationary Engine ATCM compliance deadline. Since the delivery delay is beyond the control of the applicant, the air district may extend the delivery deadline and installation deadline to April 1, 2015, rather than the existing December 31, 2014 deadline.
Documentation from the engine dealer that this engine could not be delivered prior to December 31, 2014, along with a timeline for delivery and engine installation must be included in the project file.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: February 19, 2015
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2014-30
Requests: Extend Moyer project completion date for 90 days past the Stationary Engine ATCM and local rule compliance dates. (Project Number(s) with contract execution date listed below)
Air District: San Joaquin Valley APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 10 Section C.1.(C)(1)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district is requesting a 90-day extension for the listed diesel to electric motor repower projects. The district has received documentation from the applicants that the project completion was delayed because of weather and utility hookup delays. The contracts for these irrigation engine repower projects were fully executed as listed after which utility upgrade service was requested. Since the rain associated work delays and utility hook-up schedule are beyond the control of the applicant, the air district may extend the project deadline to March 31, 2015, rather than the existing December 31, 2014 deadline. The district has received a "Notice of Destruction" from their approved dismantler ensuring that the baseline engines are no longer in service.
Documentation from the applicant regarding the weather and utility hookup delays as cause for why the new motor cannot be installed prior to December 31, 2014, along with a timeline for work completion and utility hookup schedule must be included in the project file.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Project numbers and contract dates: C-20352-A, 3/1/2013; C-19448-A, 6/8/2012; C-24897-A, 9/16/2013; C-21668-A, 3/5/2013; C-26257-A, 1/14/2014; C-26257-B, 5/21/2014; C-26779-A, 8/14/2014; C-27358-B, 4/7/2014; C-27644-A, 4/14/2014; C-27724-A, 4/14/2014; C-28018-A, 4/7/2014; C-28112-A, 4/7/2014; C-28196-A, 10/10/2014; C-28765-A, 5/29/2014; C-29315-A, 5/21/2014; C-29412-A, 4/24/2014; C-29930-A, 7/21/2014; C-30167-A, 10/21/2014; C-30168-A, 5/21/2014; C-30627-A, 8/14/2014; C-30634-A, 12/17/2014; C-30702-A, 5/21/2014; C-30704-A, 5/21/2014; C-30801-A, 6/20/2014; C-31275-A, 9/16/2014; C-31294-A, 7/21/2014; C-31437-A, 10/28/2014; C-31444-A, 10/10/2014; C-31562-A, 8/19/2014; C-31562-B, 11/26/2014; C-31563-A, 11/26/2014; C-31679-A, 9/24/2014; C-31729-A, 8/14/2014; C-31730-A, 8/19/2014; C-31761-A, 11/14/2014; C-31764-A, 10/28/2014; C-31802-A, 11/17/2014; C-32121-A, 11/4/2014; C-32677-A, 11/4/2014; C-32998-A, 11/26/2014; C-33282-A, 11/26/2014; C-33292-A, 11/26/2014; C-33715-A, 12/22/2014; C-33716-A, 12/17/2014; C-33361-A, 11/24/2014; C-33866-A, 11/26/2014; C-34072-A, 12/1/2014; C-35872-A, 12/19/2014; C-36113-A, 12/19/2014; C-36129-A, 12/22/2014; C-36241-A, 12/22/2014; C-36648-A, 12/29/2014; C-36649-A, 12/29/2014; C-36649-B, 12/29/2014; C-36799-A, 12/29/2014; C-36905-A, 12/29/2014; C-36921-A, 12/29/2014
Determination Date: December 31, 2014
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2014-28
Requests: Extend Moyer project (#16-2, #16-3) completion date for 90 days past the Stationary Engine ATCM compliance dates.
Air District: Ventura County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Guidelines, Agricultural Assistance Program, Section D.1(C)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district is requesting a 90-day extension for this diesel to electric motor repower project. The district has received documentation from the applicant that the project completion was delayed because of weather and utility hookup delays. The contract for this irrigation engine repower project was fully executed on September 9, 2014 after which utility upgrade service was requested. Since the rain associated work delays and utility hook-up schedule are beyond the control of the applicant, the air district may extend the project deadline to March 31, 2015, rather than the existing December 31, 2014 deadline. However, operation of the baseline engines after December 31, 2014 is contingent upon the applicant receiving an extension from the local air district. Otherwise, the baseline engines must be removed from service, and post-inspected by the district by January 1, 2015.
Documentation from the applicant regarding the weather and utility hookup delays as cause for why the new motor cannot be installed prior to December 31, 2014, along with a timeline for work completion and utility hookup schedule must be included in the project file.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: December 24, 2014
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2014-27
Requests: Extend Moyer project (#CM16-14-4) completion date for 90 days past the Stationary Engine ATCM and local rule compliance dates.
Air District: Butte County AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Guidelines, Chapter 10 Section C.1.(C)(1)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district is requesting a 90-day extension for this diesel to electric motor repower project. The district has received documentation from the applicant that the project completion was delayed because of weather and utility hookup delays. The contract for this irrigation engine repower project was fully executed on August 5, 2014 after which utility upgrade service was requested. Since the rain associated work delays and utility hook-up schedule are beyond the control of the applicant, the air district may extend the project deadline to March 31, 2015, rather than the existing December 31, 2014 deadline. However, operation of the baseline engines after December 31, 2014 is contingent upon the applicant receiving an extension from the local air district rule. Otherwise, the baseline engines must be removed from service, and post-inspected by the district by January 1, 2015.
Documentation from the applicant regarding the weather and utility hookup delays as cause for why the new motor cannot be installed prior to December 31, 2014, along with a timeline for work completion and utility hookup schedule must be included in the project file.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: December 24, 2014
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2014-14
Requests: Allow the funding for the full cost of the variable frequency drive (VFD) equipment as part of the not yet included new guideline language (Project Number CMF14-401).
Air District: San Diego County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 10, Sections C.1.(L)(3)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The original estimate for the new motor and VFD met the requirements of the current 2011 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (i.e., the VFD was less than 50% of the cost of the new motor). However, the actual new motor cost was less than the estimate resulting in a final VFD project cost being slightly greater than 50 percent of the new motor cost triggering a case-by-case request. Because the original estimate for the motor was higher than the actual cost, ARB approves the payment of the VFD per Chapter 10, Section C.1.(L)(3) based on the original estimate for the new motor cost.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: June 30, 2014
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2014-12
Requests: Use EPA certification emission levels instead of LSI emission factors contained in Appendix, Table D-14 for a stationary agricultural pump engine (Project Number 15-021).
Air District: Tehama County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Appendix D, Table D-14
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: This EPA certified stationary natural gas engine meets the district's emission and permitting requirements and is therefore eligible for Moyer grant funding. A case-by-case exemption has been granted to use the EPA certification values instead of the mobile engine emission factors contained in Appendix D, Table D-14 in the project cost-effectiveness calculation. The emission factors of Table D-14 are specifically for engines certified to the off-road standards, and therefore are not appropriate for use with certified stationary engines. The EPA certification contains an oxides of nitrogen (NOx) value, as well as a volatile organic carbon (VOC) value which is to be used for the reactive organic gases (ROG) emission factor, as VOC and ROG are considered synonymous. Additionally, the EPA certification contains no value for particulate matter (PM). ARB approves the District's proposal of utilizing the AP-42 PM values for a lean-burn uncontrolled engine.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: June 12, 2014
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2014-05
Requests: Allow the applicant to receive Moyer grant funding for a trash pump (Project Number CM14-01).
Air District: Shasta County AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 10, Section C.1(J)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: A diesel trash pump-engine system is an integrated system that is sold as a single pump-engine device contained in the same framed housing. A case-by-case exemption has been granted, the total cost of trash pump may be included as part of the eligible expenses for this project.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: May 9, 2014
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2014-03
Requests: The District has asked to use the new motor information from the project invoices in lieu of recording the information during the post-inspection (Project Numbers: 2010-80 and 2010-81).
Air District: Feather River AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 3, Sections BB.1(C)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: Due to a miscommunication with the applicant the post inspections were performed after the submersible pumps were installed inside the irrigation wells and the wells were grout sealed. During post-inspection the District inspection was able to verify the submersible pumps were operational and moving water, but was not able to verify the equipment model number, horsepower size, or serial number. Installed pump information is included in the project invoice, although the serial number was not recorded prior to the installation and is not listed on the invoice. A CBC exemption has been granted to allow the use of the motor information from the project invoices in lieu of recording this information during the post-inspections.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: March 28, 2014
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2013-22
Requests: Allow the applicant to receive Moyer grant funding for the total cost of the variable frequency drive (VFD) that costs more than 50 percent of the new electric motor cost (Project Numbers: CMP-YR15-07, CMP-YR15-08, CMP-YR15-09, CMP-YR15-20 and CMP-YR15-22).
Air District: Colusa County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 10, Sections C.1.(L)(3)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: These diesel to electric motor repower projects include a VFD to meet varying water flows required for irrigating different size fields. The VFD cost is greater than the guidelines cap, which is allowed only via a case-by-case (CBC) approval from ARB. A CBC exemption has been granted, to include the total cost of the VFD as part of the eligible expenses for the projects listed above.
Note this approval is granted for the inclusion in the grant of the VFD unit cost associated with the project listed above. This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: October 31, 2013
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2013-33
Requests: Allow Moyer grant funding for a family emission limits (FEL) engine above the current (Tier 4 final) standard. (Project Numbers: 15-8).
Air District: Ventura County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 2 Section Y, HH; Chapter 10 Section C.2.(I) and Agricultural Assistance Program D.2
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The guidelines allow the applicant to request that the replacement engine have the same manufacturer as the existing engine. For this project the applicant has requested the same manufacturer and this manufacturer currently does not have a Tier 4 final engine available. A 2013 FEL Tier 4 final engine is currently available from this manufacturer. A CBC exemption has been granted to the Moyer guidelines to allow the funding of a FEL engine for a diesel engine repower project if the district utilizes the previous (Tier 4 interim) tier emission factors for this replacement engine. This particular engine family had previously been certified to the Tier 4 interim standards, with an FEL below the Tier 4 interim standard.
Note this approval is granted for the inclusion in the grant of the FEL engine associated with the project listed above provided the engine is installed and operation prior to 1-1-2016. This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, is surplus to existing emission control rules, and meets Agricultural Assistance Program (AAP) funding requirements. Although this project follows the 2011 Moyer Guidelines it is the district's intention that they will be funded with local district funds via the Agricultural Assistance Program (AAP). Please include a copy of this posting approval with the AAP project files.
Determination Date: October 17, 2013
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2013-30
Requests: Allow the applicant to receive Moyer grant funding for a variable frequency drive (VFD) that costs more than 50 percent of the new electric motor cost (Project Number: M-315).
Air District: Monterey Bay Unified APCD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 10, Section C.1.(L)(3)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: This project includes the installation of a new electric motor with a VFD to meet varying irrigation required by planting different crops, to adjust to seasonal groundwater variations, and different soil types. The VFD cost is greater than the guidelines cap, which is allowed only via a case-by-case approval from ARB.
A case-by-case exemption has been granted, the total cost of the VFD may be included as part of the eligible expenses for this project. Note this approval is granted only for the inclusion in the grant of the VFD unit cost associated with the project listed above. This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: September 20, 2013
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2013-28
Requests: Allow the applicant to receive Moyer grant funding for an electrification project that will utilize a used electric motor instead of a new motor. (Project Numbers: SMQV004183 and SMQV004230).
Air District: Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 10, Section C.2.(A)(1)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: A CBC exemption has been granted to the Moyer guidelines, to allow the grant funding for a used, not new, electric motor as the replacement in a diesel repower to electric motor project. In order for the district to reimburse the eligible costs for this project the grantee must agree to the following conditions during the contract period:
1. Allow the district to conduct random spot inspections of the used motors, with 24-hour notification.
2. Notify the district within seven days if a motor or pump becomes non-operational.
Note this approval is granted for the inclusion in the grant of the used motor cost associated with the projects listed above. This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, is surplus to existing emission control rules, and meets DERA grant funding requirements. Although these projects follow the 2011 Moyer Guidelines it is the districts intention that they will be funded with federal Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) funds. Please include a copy of this posting approval with the DERA project files.
Determination Date: September 19, 2013
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2013-26
Requests: California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) on behalf of Glenn County APCD is requesting the applicant to receive Moyer grant funding for a variable frequency drive (VFD) that costs more than 50 percent of the new electric motor cost (Project Number: RAP-14-18).
Air District: CAPCOA (Rural District Assistance Program project assigned to Glenn County APCD)
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 10, Section C.1.(L)(3)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: This CAPCOA, Rural District Assistant Program evaluated project will be assigned to Glenn County APCD. This project includes the installation of a new electric motor with a VFD to meet varying irrigation required by planting different crops and irrigating different size fields. The VFD cost is greater than the guidelines cap, which is allowed only via a case-by-case approval from ARB.
A case-by-case exemption has been granted, the total cost of the VFD may be included as part of the eligible expenses for this project. Note this approval is granted only for the inclusion in the grant of the VFD unit cost associated with the project listed above. This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: August 26, 2013
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2013-21
Requests: Allow the applicant to receive Moyer grant funding for the total cost of the variable frequency drive (VFD) that costs more than 50 percent of the new electric motor cost (Project Number: 15-017).
Air District: Tehama County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 10, Section C.1.(L)(3)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: This diesel to electric motor repower project includes a VFD to meet varying water flows for irrigating crops farmed on different soil types The VFD cost is greater than the guidelines cap, which is allowed only via a case-by-case (CBC) approval from ARB. A CBC exemption has been granted, to include the total cost of the VFD as part of the eligible expense for this project. Note this approval is granted for the inclusion in the grant of the VFD unit cost associated with the project listed above. This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field for each project.
Determination Date: July 26, 2013
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2013-20
Requests: Allow the applicant to receive Moyer grant funding for the total cost of the variable frequency drive (VFD) that costs more than 50 percent of the new electric motor cost (Project Numbers: 15-007, 15-008 and 15-015)
Air District: Tehama County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 10, Section C.1.(L)(3)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: This diesel to electric motor repower projects include a VFD to meet varying water flows for irrigating crops farmed on different soil types (15-007), for adjusting to seasonal groundwater variations (15-008), and operating two different irrigation systems (15-015). The VFD cost is greater than the guidelines cap, which is allowed only via a case-by-case (CBC) approval from ARB. A CBC exemption has been granted, to include the total cost of the VFD as part of the eligible expenses for these projects. Note this approval is granted for the inclusion in the grant of the VFD unit cost associated with the projects listed above. This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the projects. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the projects conform to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and are surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field for each project.
Determination Date: July 25, 2013
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2013-18
Requests: Replace two operating agricultural pump engines with one electric pump motor and variable frequency drive (VFD), decreasing the total engine horsepower from 230 to 200 hp. Allow the applicant to receive Moyer grant funding for the total cost of the variable frequency drive (VFD) that costs more than 50 percent of the new electric motor cost (Project Number: CMP-YR15-01).
Air District: Colusa County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 10, Section C.1.(L)(3) and C.2.(C)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: This 2 for 1 engine repower to an electric motor project includes a VFD to meet varying water flows for irrigating different crops and to adjust to seasonal groundwater variations. The VFD cost is greater than the guidelines cap, which is allowed only via a case-by-case (CBC) approval from ARB. A 2 for 1 engine repower project also needs a CBC approval from ARB. A CBC exemption has been granted, to include the total cost of the VFD as part of the eligible expenses for the project and to allow this 2 for 1 engine repower project. For this 2 for 1 project the district shall utilize a summation of the two baseline engine emissions in calculating the project cost-effectiveness. Note this approval is granted for the inclusion in the grant of the VFD unit cost associated with the project listed above and to allow for the 2 for 1 project. This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: July 23, 2013
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2013-16
Request: Allow the applicant to receive Moyer grant funding for a variable frequency drive (VFD) that costs more than 50 percent of the new electric motor cost (Project Number: CM 18-14-CMP-03).
Air District: Lassen County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 10, Section C.1.(L)(3)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: This project includes the installation of a new electric motor with a VFD to meet varying water flows required for irrigating different size fields. The VFD cost is greater than the guidelines cap, which is allowed only via a case-by-case approval from ARB. A case-by-case exemption has been granted, the total cost of the VFD may be included as part of the eligible expenses for the project provided they meet all other applicable guideline criteria and the total funding provided is under the cost-effectiveness cap. Note this approval is granted only for the inclusion in the grant of the VFD unit cost associated with the project listed above, and does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: May 28, 2013
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2013-14
Request: Allow the applicant to receive Moyer grant funding for a variable frequency drive (VFD) that costs more than 50 percent of the new electric motor cost (Project Number: CM 12/13-7).
Air District: San Luis Obispo County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 10, Section C.1.(L)(3)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: This project includes the installation of a new electric motor with a VFD to meet varying water flows required for vineyard irrigation and vineyard frost protection. The VFD cost is greater than the guidelines cap, which is allowed only via a case-by-case approval from ARB. A case-by-case exemption has been granted, the total cost of the VFD may be included as part of the eligible expenses for the project provided they meet all other applicable guideline criteria and the total funding provided is under the cost-effectiveness cap. Note this approval is granted only for the inclusion in the grant of the VFD unit cost associated with the project listed above, and does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: May 2, 2013
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2013-04
Request: The applicant owns agricultural land in Butte County AQMD and in Tehama County APCD and is requesting an engine swap for the required engine destruction for this agricultural irrigation pump repower project located in Butte County (Project # CM13-13-13). The applicant would like to destroy the engine that has logged significant more operating hours located in Tehama County and move the Butte County engine to the Tehama site.
Air District: Butte County AQMD and Tehama County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapters 2, Section DD and 3, Sections AA and BB.4
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district provided information documenting that both baseline engines are similarly horsepower size Tier 1 engines. The engine swap for destruction will not affect the project emissions, project cost-effectiveness, or increase the engine emissions generated in Tehama County.
The contract will include all three engines. Pre-inspections will include both Tier 1 engines located in Butte County AQMD and Tehama County APCD. Post-inspections will verify the destruction of the Tier 1 engine from Tehama County, the installation and operation of the Tier 1 engine from Butte County to Tehama County, and the installation and operation of the new interim Tier 4 engine. Moyer funds will only pay for the installation of new, controlled (interim Tier 4) engine.
The applicant will cover the changes associated with the baseline engine swap and the engine swap will not change the engine compliance deadlines. The applicant will notify Tehama County APCD in writing no later than 14 days after the Tier 1 diesel engine installation per section 93115.8(c)(3) of the Stationary Engine ATCM and pay any fee required by the district per section 93115.8(d). Note this approval is granted only for the baseline engine swap associated with the project listed above, and does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: February 19, 2013
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2012-47
Request: Use documentation of acre-feet water use to determine annual usage for agricultural pump electrification project (Project Number: CMF13-401).
Air District: San Diego County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 3, Sections W.6. and Z.6.(B)(1) and Chapter 10, Section C.1.(E)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: This project is to repower a Tier 3 engine with an electric motor. The Tier 3 engine had been purchased through the Carl Moyer Program under a previous project. As part of that previous project the current Tier 3 engines was inspected on June 27, 2011 and had less than 20 hours of use. At time of application for the new project, October 3, 2012, the hour meeting reading showed 3,372 hours of use. A subsequent inspection on October 16, 2012 showed an hour meter reading of 3,424.5 hours. The applicant also provided monthly pump meter readings for acre-feet of water pumped over the 2 year period of October 2010 to October 2012. Using the hour meter readings for over a one year period (June 2011 to October 2012), and the acre-feet pump readings over that same period, provided a calculated correlation between acre-feet of water pumped, and hourly engine usage, allowing for hourly usage to be calculated for a 2 year period (2,012.5 hours/year). The district may utilize this amount to determine cost-effectiveness and eligible grant amount, and, at the districts discretion, the usage does not need to be specified in the contract, as allowed per Guidelines, Chapter 3, Sections W.3 and Z.6.(B)(1). Note this approval is granted only for the determination of the appropriate usage documentation, and does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: November 21, 2012
Contact: David Salardino (626) 575-6679
Reference # 2012-45
Request: California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) on behalf of Colusa County APCD is requesting the applicant to receive Moyer grant funding for a variable frequency drive (VFD) that costs more than 50 percent of the new electric motor cost (Project Numbers: RAP-2013-01 - Strain Orchards 115, RAP-2013-02 - Strain Orchards 725).
Air District: CAPCOA (Rural District Assistance Program projects assigned to Colusa County APCD)
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 10, Section C.1.(L)(3)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: These CAPCOA, Rural District Assistant Program evaluated projects will be assigned to Colusa County APCD. These projects include the installation of a new electric motor with a VFD to meet varying irrigation required by planting different crops during the different growing seasons. The VFD cost is greater than the guidelines cap, which is allowed only via a case-by-case approval from ARB. A case-by-case exemption has been granted, the total cost of the VFD may be included as part of the eligible expenses for the project provided they meet all other applicable guideline criteria and the total funding provided is under the cost-effectiveness cap. Note this approval is granted only for the inclusion in the grant of the VFD unit cost associated with the project listed above, and does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: November 14, 2012
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2012-37
Request: Allow the applicant to receive Moyer grant funding for a variable frequency drive (VFD) that costs more than 50 percent of the new electric motor cost (Project Number: CMF13-401).
Air District: San Diego County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 10, Section C.1.(L)(3)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: This booster pump project includes the installation of a new electric motor with a VFD to pump the water to an irrigation reservoir that uses gravity to irrigate crops. The VFD is needed to adjust the amount of power needed from the electric motor to pump the water to the reservoir. The VFD cost is greater than the guidelines cap, which is allowed only via a case-by-case approval from ARB. A case-by-case exemption has been granted, the total cost of the VFD may be included as part of the eligible expenses for the project provided they meet all other applicable guideline criteria and the total funding provided is under the cost-effectiveness cap. Note this approval is granted only for the inclusion in the grant of the VFD unit cost associated with the project listed above, and does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: November 1, 2012
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2012-33
Request: Allow the applicant to receive Moyer grant funding for a variable frequency drive (VFD) that costs more than 50 percent of the new electric motor cost (Project Number: CMPYR1401).
Air District: Colusa County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 10, Section C.1.(L)(3)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: This project includes the installation of a new electric motor with a VFD to meet varying irrigation required by planting different crops during the different growing seasons. The VFD cost is greater than the guidelines cap, which is allowed only via a case-by-case approval from ARB. A case-by-case exemption has been granted, the total cost of the VFD may be included as part of the eligible expenses for the project provided they meet all other applicable guideline criteria and the total funding provided is under the cost-effectiveness cap. Note this approval is granted only for the inclusion in the grant of the VFD unit cost associated with the project listed above, and does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: September 18, 2012
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2012-21
Request: Allow the applicant to receive Moyer grant funding for a variable frequency drive (VFD) that costs more than 50 percent of the new electric motor cost (Project Number: CM 11/12-5).
Air District: San Luis Obispo County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): (2011) Chapter 10, Section C.1.(L)(3)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: This project includes the installation of a new electric motor with a VFD to meet varying irrigation needs in meeting upper and lower vineyards watering demands. The VFD cost is greater than the guidelines cap, which is allowed only via a case-by-case approval from ARB. A case-by-case exemption has been granted, the total cost of the VFD may be included as part of the eligible expenses for the project provided they meet all other applicable guideline criteria and the total funding provided is under the cost-effectiveness cap. Note this approval is granted only for the inclusion in the grant of the VFD unit cost associated with the project listed above, and does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: July 6, 2012
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2011-40
Request: Replace two operating agricultural pump engines with one electric pump motor, decreasing the total engine horsepower from 267 to 150 hp. (Project # CMP-YR13-05)
Air District: Colusa County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 10, Section C.2.(C)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district provided a written request for a 2 for 1 engine repower project that includes replacing an irrigation pump engine and booster pump engine with one electric motor. The current guidelines require a case-by-case request if the total number of existing engines is different than the total number of replacement engines/motors. The district shall utilize a summation of the two baseline engine emissions in calculating project cost-effectiveness. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: July 13, 2011
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2011-09
Request: Replace three operating agricultural pump engines with four electric pump motors; decreasing the total engine horsepower from 349 to 230 hp while providing the same irrigation needs. (Project # CMP-YR12-20)
Air District: Colusa County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2008 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter X, Section IV(b)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district provided an application and an engineering proposal to repower a three engine pumping station with four electric motors. The current guidelines do not contain guidance on replacing multiple engines with electric motors. The district shall utilize a summation of the three baseline engine emissions in calculating project cost-effectiveness. The cost of the additional new pump will not be part of the cost of the project paid by the district.
Determination Date: March 1, 2011
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2011-07
Request: Verify engine functional use with fuel use records and other supporting documentation in lieu of district inspector witnessing agricultural pump engine moving water. (Project # C-8040)
Air District: San Joaquin Valley APCD (for Great Basin Unified APCD)
Guideline Section(s): 2008 Guidelines, Program Administration Chapter, Section 30.b(4)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: Due to scheduled irrigation well refurbishment maintenance the pre-inspection was able to confirm engine operation but not functional engine use for this Great Basin project. After the pre-inspection, the applicant provided the District with past fuel delivery records along with other information that supported the engine’s functional use prior to the scheduled well maintenance. The district during the post-inspection will verify the functional use of the new motor and the irrigation well.
Determination Date: March 1, 2011
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2010- 59
Request: Extend the Agricultural Assistance project (#12-37) completion date for 90 days past the Stationary Engine ATCM compliance date.
Air District: Ventura County APCD
Guideline Section(s): 2008 Guidelines, Agricultural Assistance Program, Section II, Third Bullet
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district is requesting a 90-day extension for this diesel to electric motor repower project. The district has received documentation from the applicant that the project completion was delayed because of utility hookup scheduling delays resulting from air district and ARB administration delays.
The air district board approved the contract for this project on September 14, 2010, the applicant did not receive the grant agreement for several more weeks due to administrative error. The grant agreement was fully executed on October 5, 2010, after which the utility upgrade was ordered. The utility company is unable to complete the utility hookup before January 1, 2011. Since these delays are beyond the control of the applicant, the air district may extend the project installation deadline to March 31, 2011, rather than the existing December 31, 2010 deadline. This approval is contingent upon the air district confirming that the existing engines are removed from service, and post-inspected by the district by January 1, 2011.
Documentation from the applicant regarding the utility hookup and other administration delays of why the new motors cannot be installed prior to December 31, 2010, along with a timeline for work completion and utility hookup schedule must be included in the project file.
Determination Date: December 23, 2010
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2010-58
Request: Extend the Agricultural Assistance project (#12-44) completion date past the Stationary Engine ATCM compliance date.
Air District: Ventura County APCD
Guideline Section(s): 2008 Guidelines, Agricultural Assistance Program, Section II, Third Bullet
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district is requesting a 30-day extension for this diesel to electric motor repower project. The district has received documentation from the applicant that the project completion was delayed because of weather and utility hookup delays. The contract for this irrigation engine repower project was fully executed on September 14, 2010 after which utility upgrade service was requested. Since the rain associated work delays and utility hook-up schedule are beyond the control of the applicant, the air district may extend the project deadline to January 31, 2011, rather than the existing December 31, 2010 deadline. However, operation of the baseline engines after December 31, 2010 is contingent upon the applicant receiving an extension from the local air district. Otherwise, the baseline engines must be removed from service, and post-inspected by the district by January 1, 2011.
Documentation from the applicant regarding the weather and utility hookup delays of why the new motor cannot be installed prior to December 31, 2010, along with a timeline for work completion and utility hookup schedule must be included in the project file.
Determination Date: December 22, 2010
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2010-53
Request: Extend the Agricultural Assistance project (#12-45) completion date past the Stationary Engine ATCM compliance date.
Air District: Ventura County APCD
Guideline Section(s): 2008 Guidelines, Agricultural Assistance Program, Section II, Third Bullet
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district has received documentation that the lead time for larger horsepower (hp) sized diesel engines, engines greater than 300 hp, is unusually long due to higher than usual demand. The contract for this irrigation engine repower project was fully executed contract on September 14, 2010 and the engine order placed on September 16, 2010. Since the delivery delay is beyond the control of the applicant, the air district may extend the delivery deadline and installation deadline to February 15, 2011, rather than the existing December 31, 2010 deadline. However, this determination is contingent on the applicant's existing engine receiving an extension from the local air district to operate past the Stationary Engine ATCM compliance deadline.
Documentation from the engine dealer that this engine cannot be delivered prior to December 31, 2010, along with a timeline for delivery and engine installation must be included in the project file.
Determination Date: December 8, 2010
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2010-46
Request: Include pump and labor costs associated with a submersible irrigation pump motor system (SLOCAPCD Project # CM08/09b).
Air District: San Luis Obispo County APCD
Guideline Section(s): 2008 Guidelines, Chapter X, Section IV(a)(5)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: Project # CM08/09b includes a wellhead diesel pump engine repower with an electric motor submersible pump system. The submersible electric motor/pump system is an integrated system such that the pump and motor are in a single combined housing. As such, replacement of the pump is an integral component in the diesel engine repower to electric motor project.
Due to the fact that the purchase costs associated with the motor include the pump as well, this submersible motor/pump system costs and associated installation costs are eligible for inclusion into the grant funding costs provided they meet all other applicable guideline criteria, are under the cost-effectiveness cap. The applicant has redesigned the irrigation system resulting in the new required motor horsepower size being significantly smaller than the existing engine. While reducing the cost of the overall project, this results in the need for new plumbing. Thus, ARB will allow the costs and labor associated with the plumbing hookup to be eligible for Moyer grant funding.
Determination Date: October 20, 2010
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2010-49
Request: To include pump and labor costs associated with a “matched-pair” irrigation pump motor system (VCAPCD Project # 11-9) for a diesel engine repower to electric motor project.
Air District: Ventura County APCD
Guideline Section(s): 2008 Guidelines, Chapter X, Section IV(a)(5);Part II, Agricultural Assistance Program, Section IV ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The applicant provided documentation that conversion of the existing pump such that it would be compatible with the new electric motor would cost the same as purchasing a new pump specifically designed to work with the new electric motor. The allowance of the pump and associated installation costs are eligible for inclusion into the Agricultural Assistance Program funding costs provided they meet all other applicable guideline criteria, are under the cost-effectiveness cap, and are installed and operational prior to 1-1-2011. Costs and labor associated with the plumbing hookup for the new pump are not eligible for Moyer grant funding.
Determination Date: October 20, 2010
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2010-41
Request: Include pump and labor costs associated with the close-couple irrigation pump motor system (VCAPCD Project #12-37 and 12-44).
Air District: Ventura County APCD
Guideline Section(s): 2008 Guidelines, Chapter X, Section IV(a)(5);Part II, Agricultural Assistance Program, Section IV ARB Action: Approved
Determination: Project #12-37 and 12-44 includes a booster pump diesel engine repower with a close-couple motor pump system. The close-couple motor pump system is an integrated system. As such, replacement of the pump is an integral component in the diesel engine repower to electric motor project.
Due to the fact that the purchase costs associated with the motor include the pump as well, these closed-couple motor/pump system costs and associated installation costs are eligible for Agricultural Assistance Program funding costs, provided they meet all other applicable guideline criteria, are under the cost-effectiveness cap, and are installed and operational prior to 1-1-2011. Costs and labor associated with the plumbing hookup for the new pump are not eligible for Agricultural Assistance Program funding.
Determination Date: October 7, 2010
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2010-33
Request: Utilize Moyer funds for engines owned by an agricultural service company that provides crop-spraying service for local farms.
Air District: San Joaquin Valley APCD
Guideline Section(s): 2008 Guidelines, Chapter X, Section I, and HSC 39011.5, and Chapter V, sections I and VI
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The applicant for project number, C-3726, provided the district documentation that an agricultural service company owns these sprayer engines and these engines are used 50 percent of the time or more in agricultural use. Engines owned by agricultural service companies do not fall under the agricultural provisions of the Stationary Engine ATCM or under the agricultural sources definition in HSC section 39011.5, but are regulated under the Portable Engine ATCM. These engines meet the farm equipment definition in Chapter V, Section VI and are eligible for funding subject to SBX2_3. These agricultural portable engines will follow the criteria outlined in Chapter X for Moyer funding. Therefore, these engines are eligible for Moyer funding provided they meet all other applicable guideline criteria including being surplus to local rules and permit conditions, surplus to the fleet compliance deadlines of the Portable Engine ATCM and under the cost-effectiveness cap.
Determination Date: September 28, 2010
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2010-19
Request: Utilize Moyer funds for engines owned by an agricultural irrigation district that provides irrigation water for local farms.
Air District: Colusa County APCD
Guideline Section(s): 2008 Guidelines, Chapter X, Section I, and HSC 39011.5
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: These stationary engines are regulated under the Stationary Engine ATCM. The district provided documentation that these engines irrigate local farmland used to grow crops thus meeting the agricultural operations definition in the Stationary Engine ATCM. Engines subject to this definition are subject to the agricultural provisions of the ATCM. These engines also fall under the definition of Agricultural Sources as defined in HSC 39011.5 statute that defines eligible agricultural sources projects for Moyer funding. Therefore, these engines are eligible for Moyer funding provided they meet all other applicable guideline criteria including being surplus to the agricultural provisions of the Stationary Engine ATCM and under the cost-effectiveness cap.
Determination Date: September 7, 2010
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2010-39
Request: Due to an error in a pre-inspection, allow the District to accept fuel use records and other supporting documentation in lieu of District inspector witnessing agricultural pump engine operation.
Air District: San Joaquin Valley APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2008 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines, Program Administration Chapter, Section 30(b)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: In a proposed project to repower seven diesel agricultural pumps with electric motors, one baseline engine listed in the application was, in error, not pre-inspected by District staff due to an apparent miscommunication with a ranch hand. Instead, another engine was mistakenly pre-inspected. After the discovery of this error during the post-inspection, the applicant provided the District with past fuel delivery records along with other information that supported that the engine was in operation at the time of the pre-inspection. The District verified that the baseline engine in question was destroyed by the grantee.
Determination Date: September 3, 2010
Contact: Liz Ota (916) 327-9435
Reference # 2010-22
Request: Replace two agricultural pump engines operating one pump, each engine is 200 horsepower or less, with one engine of over 250 horsepower operating the same pump.
Air District: Bay Area AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2008 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter X, Section IV(b); Part II, Agricultural Assistance Program, Section IV; and Appendix C, Section II.A.1.
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district provided an Agricultural Assistance Project application for the diesel engine repower of two engines operating in series to be repowered with one newer engine. The current guidelines do not contain guidance on replacing two engines with one engine and methodology for performing the cost effectiveness analysis.
The district shall utilize an average of the annual usage rates of the baseline engines for the usage rate of the new engine. The annual emissions from each of the baseline engines are to be summed to determine baseline emissions for the project. In addition, the same default load factor should be used in the cost effectiveness calculation for the new and existing engines. In this particular setup the load factor adjustment required per Appendix C, Section II.A.1 is not required for this 2 for 1 engine repower. For this particular project the existing, pre 1970 engines (total rated horsepower of 365) are configured to perform the same work as the considerably smaller-rated horsepower, new engine will perform. The assumption is that the existing two-engine configuration is providing more power than the pumping system requires. Therefore the load factor adjustment is not required for this greater than 25 percent horsepower reduction.
Determination Date: August 18, 2010
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2010-14
Request: Allow Moyer funds for a portable chipper repower project used in logging/forestry operation.
Air District: Northern Sierra AQMD
Guideline Section(s): 2008 Guidelines, Chapter X, Section III; Mail-out # MSC 10-24 (March 25, 2010 Board approved revisions)
ARB Action: No Action/Does not require case-by-case approval
Determination: This equipment is regulated under the Portable Air Toxic Control Measure (ATCM), which the Air Resources Board (Board) modified on January 28, 2010 including a one-year extension for uncontrolled equipment/engines that have current and valid registration in the statewide Portable Engine Registration Program (PERP) or with the local air district as of December 31, 2009. This provision allows a fleet owner to select one uncontrolled engine, or no more than five engines not to exceed 500 hp, to remain in operation until December 31, 2010.
This equipment also falls under the definition of portable farm equipment as defined in HSC 39011.5 statute. This statute also defines eligible agricultural sources for Moyer funding in Chapter 10. On March 25, 2010, the Board approved Moyer guideline changes (Mail-out # MSC 10-24), which included language implementing SBX2_3, which allows for Moyer funding of projects up to the compliance date of the applicable regulation. Together these two Board changes allow this equipment to be eligible.
The applicant provided the air district copies of the equipment’s PERP registration and a letter certifying that this equipment is the only equipment in their fleet to receive the one-year extension and they will file the PERP certification paper work, when it becomes available. The district verified that the PERP registration was current and valid for this equipment. This project must be under a fully executed contract, and the engine must be installed and in operation prior to the revised December 31, 2010 deadline compliance date. ARB asked the air district when entering this project into CARL to include on the equipment page, comment box “project subject to SBX2_3 and amendments to Portable ATCM adopted January 2010”. Air districts with similar forestry portable repower projects do not need to request a case-by-case approval.
Determination Date: May 27, 2010
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2010-08
Request: Include all of the project’s connecting electric line from the pole to the motor (1200 feet) into the state Moyer funded portion of the grant award for a diesel engine to electric motor repower project. The current Carl Moyer Program Guidelines allow up to 10 feet of connecting electric line to be included into the state funded portion of the project grant award. The requesting air district currently does not have local funds to pay for additional infrastructure costs associated with electric power projects and their local utility does not provide any assistance with the infrastructure costs.
Air District: Lassen County APCD
Guideline Section(s): 2008 Guidelines, Chapter X, Section IV(a); Mail-out # MSC 09-05/Advisory 08-009
ARB Action: Not approved
Determination: The air district submitted to ARB the project application, district engine permit, and property map specifying the agricultural engine location. ARB, with input from all the air districts, established the current allowable connecting electric line length cap to provide reasonable state funding allowances for necessary peripheral equipment associated with electric repowers. ARB has determined that, under current Guidelines, the requested amount of connecting line amounts to infrastructure, and thus state funds cannot be used to pay for the requested amount. ARB staff commits to reanalyze the issue of infrastructure versus project costs during the upcoming efforts to revise the Guidelines.
Determination Date: May 5, 2010
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2010-06
Request: Swap the engines required for destruction in two agricultural engine repower projects. Uncontrolled and remotely located engines, exempt from the Stationary Agricultural ATCM, will be destroyed instead of Tier 1 engines. The Tier 1 engines will be moved and installed at the uncontrolled engines locations. These two projects are under the 2005 Moyer guidelines.
Air District: Lake County AQMD
Guideline Section(s): 2005 Guidelines, Chapter II, Section VIII (D)(Carl Moyer Program Criteria); 2008 Guidelines, Chapter X, Section V(b)(13)
ARB Action: Approved. Project not completed with case-by-case approval. Project applicant decided to move forward with the traditional engine repower project without the engine swap.
Determination: The air district submitted project applications, remote location engine maps, and coordinates for the uncontrolled and Tier 1 engines. The air district is in attainment for all PM and ozone national ambient air quality standards, and as such, has the ability to register remotely located engines exempt from the Stationary Agricultural ATCM. These projects provide additional emission reductions from the cleaner Tier 1 engine operating instead of the exempted uncontrolled engine. The contract will include all three engines. Pre-inspections will include uncontrolled and Tier 1 engines. Post-inspections will verify the destruction of the uncontrolled engines, the installation and operation of the Tier 1 engines at the remote locations, and the installation and operation of the new Tier 3 engines. CARL comment box on the engine/equipment page will note the CBC approval, date, engine swap, and that emission reductions were claimed from the Tier 1 to Tier 3 repower.
Moyer funds will only pay for the installation of new, controlled (Tier 3) engines. Moyer will not claim these additional emission reductions from replacing the uncontrolled engines with the Tier 1 engines. In addition, no Moyer funding will be available in the future for the repowering of the Tier 1 engines not destroyed in the repower projects.
Determination Date: Apr. 5, 2010
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522
Reference # 2010-03
Request: Use of fuel usage data instead of hours for determining cost-effectiveness of an Agricultural pump repower project
Air District: Santa Barbara County APCD
Guideline Section(s): 2008 Guidelines, Chapter X, Section IV(a)(8)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The applicant provided the air district two years of historical fuel log entries specific for the baseline agricultural pump engine. The air district provided ARB a two-month sample of fuel log sheets. ARB’s review of the fuel logs indicates that this data is specific to the baseline agricultural pump repower engine. The air district may determine project cost-effectiveness based on these fuel records.
Determination Date: Feb. 16, 2010
Contact: Katherine Garrison (916) 322-1522