Board Member Report: July 26, 2021
Please see below for upcoming public events for the week of July 26, 2021.
Public Work Group to Discuss Workforce Training and Development: On July 27 via remote access, the public is invited to participate in a public work group meeting to discuss the proposed Workforce Training and Development investment in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives. The draft proposal includes up to $1.5 million in FY 2021-22 Low Carbon Transportation investments for workforce training and career development in priority communities. At this meeting, CARB staff will provide an overview on workforce training and career development efforts and goals, share ideas on ways to bolster elements of existing programs to support green economy, and seek feedback on community needs and goals.
Public Workshop on 2022 State Strategy for the State Implementation: On July 27 via remote access, CARB staff will host a public workshop to discuss the 2022 State Strategy for the Implementation Plan. Workshop discussions will be geared towards the process, initial ideas for potential measures to support attainment of the federal 70 parts per billion eight-hour ozone standard across the state, and to identify those areas that are currently not attaining that standard.
Public Work Group Meeting on FY 2021-22 Long-Term Heavy-Duty Investment Strategy: On July 28 via remote access, CARB staff will hold a public work group meeting to discuss the FY 2021-22 Long-Term Heavy-Duty Investment Strategy. As required under Senate Bill 1403 (Lara, Chapter 370, Statutes of 2018), the California Clean Truck, Bus and Off-Road Vehicle Equipment Technology Program, the strategy includes an update on school buses operating throughout the State. Participants will receive briefings on the Heavy-Duty Investment Strategy for FY 2021-22 and school buses.
Public Webinar on CARB Air Grants & CalEPA Environmental Justice Small Grants Pre-Application Assistance: On July 28 via webinar, CARB and CalEPA will host a virtual public webinar for the application process for both the CARB Community Air Grants Program and the CalEPA Environmental Justice Small Grants Program. CARB and CalEPA staff will discuss the elements of an effective grant proposal and will respond to questions geared towards administrative issues related to proposal submissions. The CARB Community Air Grants application deadline is October 1, 2021, and the CalEPA Environmental Justice Small Grants application deadline is August 13, 2021.
Public Webinar on Truck and Bus Rule, Off-Road Regulation, and Portable Equipment Compliance Overview: On July 29 via remote access, CARB staff will hold a public webinar on compliance for the Truck and Bus Rule, Off-Road regulation, and the Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP). The course will cover online reporting, current requirements, and future deadlines for both the Greenhouse Gas Reporting regulation and the Off-Road Diesel Vehicle regulation, and eligibility and requirements for PERP.
Public Meeting for the Community Emissions Reduction Program for Stockton Community: On July 29 via remote access, CARB will conduct a public meeting to consider the approval of the Community Emissions Reduction Program for the Stockton community. Assembly Bill 617 (Garcia, Chapter 136, Statutes of 2017) requires community-focused action to reduce air pollution and improve public health in communities that experience disproportionate burdens from exposure to air pollutants. CARB selected the community of Stockton for a community emissions reduction program, and the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District worked with a community steering committee to develop the Stockton Community Emissions Reduction Program.
Public Workshop on Volkswagen Light-Duty Electric Vehicle Program Application: On July 29 via remote access, a public workshop will be available for applicants to ask questions related to the Volkswagen Light-Duty Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program solicitation. The application deadline for the Light-Duty Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program has been extended and the solicitation will close on Wednesday, August 18, 2021, at noon. The program will provide $5 million in Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust funding for the purchase and installation of new charging stations across the state. Objectives of the program include directing at least 50 percent of the funds to disadvantaged or low-income communities as well as maximizing the number of charging opportunities at the lowest cost.