AD & J Roll-Off Dumpster Service Settlement
AD & J Roll-Off Dumpster Service Case Settles for $9,000
In September 2014, AD & J Roll-Off Dumpster Service agreed to pay $9,000 in penalties for violating air quality regulations: $6,750 went to the California Air Pollution Control Fund, which provides funding for projects and research to improve California's air quality; $2,250 went to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District for the school bus retrofit Supplemental Environmental Project.
An investigation by the Air Resources Board (ARB) showed that AD & J Roll-Off Dumpster Service failed to comply with the solid waste collection vehicle rule by neglecting to install legally required emission-reduction devices by applicable compliance dates. ARB documented violations as they related to the Solid Waste Collection Vehicle Rule (SWCVR). To settle the case, AD & J Roll-Off Dumpster Service agreed to the $9,000 penalty and to comply with the SWCVR in addition to other ARB programs.