2021 - Senate Bill 359 (Caballero, Anna), Climate Change: Resilient Merced County Incentive Pilot Program (Dead)
Bill Information
Would have required the Strategic Growth Council (SGC), in consultation with the Department of Conservation and the California Air Resources Board (CARB), to develop and implement the Resilient Merced County Incentive Pilot Program (pilot program) to assist the County of Merced to use a scenario planning tool to estimate and account for the countywide greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction and carbon sequestration potential of different land management, restoration, and conservation activities. The bill would have also required SGC to implement the pilot program as a component of the Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation and consistent with the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program. Additionally, the bill would have required SGC, in collaboration with DOC and CARB, to estimate and monitor the GHG reductions, carbon sequestration, and benefits associated with the County of Merced’s scenario planning pursuant to the pilot program. Held on suspense in the Senate Appropriations Committee.