2020 - Assembly Bill 3368 (Committee on Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy), 2020 Small Business Reform Act (Dead)
Bill Information
Would have required the Small Business Advocate and each State agency’s small business liaison to provide technical advice and assist small businesses in filing petitions to request the adoption, amendment, or repeal of a regulation. The bill would have authorized a small business liaison to advocate for or against the adoption, amendment, or repeal of a regulation that is requested by petition. The bill would also have required the Small Businesses Advocate to provide counsel and offer recommendations to State agencies who receive those petitions from small businesses. The bill would have authorized the Small Businesses Advocate and the State agency small business liaison to issue written comments as to the validity of a submitted petition, and would have required the advocate and the agency liaison to offer a petitioner at least one meeting to discuss the contents of a petition. Held on suspense in the Assembly Appropriations Committee.