2019 Mobile Source Mailouts
Below is a list of the 2019 mailouts for the Mobile Source Control Division and Emissions Compliance, Automotive Regulations and Science Division. Although these documents may reside in various locations of the website, the goal is to ensure that all mailouts reside in this area in chronological order.
Sign up to the new Mobile Source Mailouts and Manufacturers Advisory Correspondence (MAC) list server. By doing this, you will be notified when a new Mobile Source Mailout or MAC has been posted to the Mobile Source Mailouts or MAC webpages. These email notices can replace any of the mobile source hard copy mailing lists you may already be on. If you subscribe to the ms-mailings list serve, you may wish to delete your subscription to the hard copy lists by notifying the Webmaster.
Mobile Source Control Division
Mailout # | Subject |
MSC 19-23 | Public Workshop to Discuss California's Comprehensive Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program (HD I/M)(316KB) |
MSC 19-22 | Workgroup Meeting to Discuss Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (HD I/M) (357KB) |
MSC 19-21 | Grant Solicitation for the Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project |
MSC 19-20 | Grant Solicitation for the Clean Mobility in Schools Pilot Project (120KB) Grant Solicitation (356KB) Appendix A (1.28MB) Appendix B (440KB) Appendix C (178KB) Appendix D (579KB) Appendix E (211KB) |
MSC 19-19 | Public Workshop to Discuss Regulatory Concepts for the Heavy-Duty "Omnibus" Low NOx Rulemaking (134KB) |
MSC 19-18 | Public Workshop to Discuss Proposed Updates to the Advanced Clean Trucks Regulation (133KB) |
MSC 19-17 | Public Work Group Meeting and Teleconference for Recalled Diesel Filter Replacement Project (151KB) |
MSC 19-16 | Public Workshop to Discuss Potential Amendments to California Phase 2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Regulation and Informational Workshop on Phase 2 GHG Trailer Certification (109KB) |
MSC 19-15 | Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (HD I/M) Program Workgroup Meeting (670KB) |
MSC 19-14 | Public Workshop to Discuss Proposed Reporting Requirements for Larger Companies and Fleets as Part of the Advanced Clean Trucks Regulation (142KB) |
MSC 19-13 | Notice of Proposed Regulatory Action to Require Mandatory Reporting for Larger Companies about Freight and other Transportation Related Services (44KB) |
MSC 19-12 | Public Workshop on the Fiscal Year 2019-20 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives |
MSC 19-10 | Notification for Drayage Trucks Subject to San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan seeking Carl Moyer Program Funding (189KB) |
MSC 19-09 | Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (HD I/M) Program Workgroup Kickoff Meeting (110KB) |
MSC 19-08 | The Carl Moyer On-Road Voucher Incentive Program Funding Tables for 2019 (83KB) Attachment 1 (254KB) Attachment 2 (89KB) |
MSC 19-07 | Public Workshop to Discuss the Advanced Clean Trucks Regulation Proposal including Mandatory Reporting for Larger Companies (131KB) |
MSC 19-06 | Grant Solicitation for an Administrator for the Diesel Filter Replacement Program (136KB) Grant Solicitation (266KB) Appendix A (256KB) Appendix B (674KB) Appendix C (330KB) |
MSC 19-05 | Public Workshop on Development of the Fiscal Year 2019-20 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives |
MSC 19-04 | Grant Solicitation for the Clean Off-Road Equipment Voucher Incentive Project |
MSC 19-03 | New Funding Criteria for Year 19 Carl Moyer Program State Reserve Grant Funds (99KB) |
MSC 19-02 | Public Workshop to Discuss Potential Strategies to Reduce In-Use Emissions From Heavy-Duty Vehicles, including Possible Elements of a Future Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program (114KB) |
MSC 19-01 | Public Work Group Teleconference on the Clean Mobility in Schools Pilot Project (282KB) |
Emissions Compliance, Automotive Regulations and Science Division
Mailout # | Subject |
ECARS 19-05 | Guidance for Heavy-Duty On-Board Diagnostic (HD OBD) System Certification Documentation and Running Change/Field Fix Documents Submitted to the California Air Resources Board Document Management System (PDF 277KB)
ECARS 19-04 | Guidance for Manufacturers Regarding the Submittal of Certification Applications and Bond Worksheet for Small and Large (≤ 1L) Spark-Ignited Evaporative Families for 2020 and Later Model Years (PDF 1.27MB)
ECARS 19-03 | Reporting California Vehicle and Engine Production Numbers for Assessing Annual Certification Fees for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 (FY 19/20) (PDF 716KB)
ECARS 19-02 | Mandatory and Voluntary Surveys for Fuel Cell-, Battery-, Plug-in Hybrid-, Electric Vehicle Production Plans (PDF 140KB), Attachments 1, 2, and 3: 2019 OEM Survey (Excel 1.4MB), Attachment 4: Hydrogen Station List |
ECARS 19-01 | California Phase 2 Trailer Certification Requirements Beginning In 2020 Model Year (496KB) |
For Motor Vehicle Related Mailouts and Manufacturers' Advisory Correspondence (MACs) from 1996 and older, please contact the Webmaster.