Chevron Products Co. Settlement March 2021
Chevron Products Company Settles For $77,000
In March 2021, Chevron Products Company (Chevron) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) agreed to a settlement of $77,000 in penalties for Chevron’s violation of the California Reformulated Gasoline Regulations (CaRFG) as codified in California Code of Regulations (CCR), title 13, § 2250-2273.5 et seq. (13 CCR § 2250-2273.5).
Chevron voluntarily disclosed the violation of the CaRFG Regulations to CARB. Subsequent inquiries following the disclosure confirmed gasoline with ethanol content exceeding the allowable 10.0 percent by volume was supplied for two days.
Chevron agreed to pay a total of $77,000 in civil penalties for 154 deliveries of noncompliant gasoline (per unit penalty of $500). The civil penalty will be paid into two funds: $38,500 will go to CARB’s Air Pollution Control Fund; and $38,500 will go to Tree Fresno to fund a Supplemental Environmental Project that will assess the efficacy of using vegetative barriers to reduce near-road pollution exposure.
Chevron has fully cooperated with CARB in this matter, and took immediate action to mitigate the incident and bring the fuel back into compliance.