California Air Toxics Emission Factor
SB 2174 Public Workshop
The California Air Toxics Emission Factor (CATEF) database contains approximately 2000 air toxics emission factors calculated from source test data collected for the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program. Most of the source test data is based on emission measurements from the early 1990's. The emission factor data has not been updated since 1996. The CATEF database may be used to estimate air toxics emissions, including individuals and facility operators required to report air toxics emissions for the Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Program.
Users should be aware that the sampling method puts the acrolein emission factors in doubt and until we resolve this issue, CARB does not recommend using these emission factors.
The public has expressed considerable interest in the development of CATEF. We would like to receive your comments on the usefulness of these emission factors and any ideas for improving the product. Please email comments on CATEF.
CATEF Search
Report: Development of Toxics Emission Factors (1of3) (.pdf)
Report: Development of Toxics Emission Factors (2of3) (.pdf)
Report: Development of Toxics Emission Factors (3of3) (.pdf)