AB 617 Statewide Strategy Summary - Q4-2020 Archive
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Progress Dashboard: 2020-Q4 (Archive)
From October through December of 2020, California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff, community members, and air districts have continued to develop new regulatory actions and work towards existing regulatory goals. In the last quarter, the California Air Resources Board met to consider several issues related to AB 617, include State Implementation Plans and updates to reporting requirements for Air Toxics. Key highlights include:
- In October 2020, CARB's Board heard updates on several projects aimed at better quantifying the impacts of exposure to air pollution, in disadvantaged communities.
- In November 2020, CARB's Board considered amendments to CARBs Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Program, and reporting requirements for emissions of criteria pollutants and toxics.
- In November 2020, CARB's Board also held a joint meeting with the California Transportation Commission and California Department of Housing and Community Development to discuss aligning transportation, housing, and air quality goals.
The hearing on the 2020 Community Selections for the AB 617 program, previously scheduled for December, will now take place in February 2021. The table below summarizes the current status of statewide measures in community emissions reduction programs, and provides links to events and public notices.
Statewide Strategy from Blueprint (Appendix F) | Documents | Workshops / Webinars | Release of 45 or 60 day Package | First Board Hearing | Potential 15 day Changes | Final Board Hearing | Office of Administrative Law Approval |
Commercial Harbor Craft Amendments | 6 | 5 | |||||
Cargo Handling Equipment Regulation | 1 | 0 | |||||
Emissions from Locomotives and Railyards | 2 | 4 | |||||
Chrome Plating Control Measure Amendments | 1 | 2 | |||||
Composite Wood Products Control Measure Amendments | 0 | 0 | |||||
Catalytic Converter Theft Reduction | 0 | 0 | |||||
Commercial Cooking Suggested Control Measure | 0 | 0 |
Last updated: March 2021
* The Organic Waste Methane Emissions Reductions regulations are primarily implemented by the California's Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle), in consultation with CARB.
Statewide measures in Community Emissions Reduction Programs
Community emissions reduction programs for year 2018 communities include a diverse portfolio of strategies to reduce cumulative exposure burden. The table below provides an overview of specific CARB actions and regulations identified in the year 2018 community emissions reduction programs. It highlights some of the common priorities across AB617 communities, such as reducing emissions from heavy-duty mobile sources. The page number references for these measures in each plan document is also provided.

Upcoming Activities
CARB continues to develop and implement new measures to support reducing exposure to pollution, particularly in disadvantage communities and communities identified through AB 617. Over the coming months, CARB staff will continue to develop new measures to support reducing exposure in communities statewide:
- In February, the California Air Resources Board will hear from CARB staff, community-based organizations, air districts, and the public on additional community recommendations for CARB’s Board to consider for selection 2020.
- In April, the Board will hear staff presentation on the updates to the 2020 Mobile Source Strategy.
- The AB 617 Consultation Group continues to meet to support updates to the Community Air Protection Blueprint.
Follow the individual program pages for the latest updates on upcoming events.
You can find prior versions of this dashboard archived here.