Tesoro Refining & Marketing, LLC Settlement, June 2018
Tesoro Case Settles for $60,000
On March 25th, 2015 during routine collection of retain samples at Tesoro’s Carson refinery (2350 E.223rd Street, Carson, CA, 90749) a sample was identified as exceeding the submitted Predictive Model sulfur limit in violation of Title 13, California Code of Regulations, section 2262.3 et. seq. CARB determined Tesoro supplied 3.2 million gallons of non-compliant California Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (CARBOB) for a period of three days. After CARB informed Tesoro of the exceedance, Tesoro began an internal investigation and determined a mechanical fault on a testing instrument was causing erratic readings. Once the part was tested, replaced, and additional instrument check procedures put in place Tesoro began supplying fuel again.
Tesoro agreed to pay a civil penalty of $60,000 to settle all claims made in regards to NOV F032515-TSOR-SUL. The penalty was paid into two funds, with $30,000 funding the California Air Pollution Control Fund and the other $30,000 funding the Central California Asthma Collaborative undertaking the Healthy Air Neighborhoods Fresno, Supplemental Environmental Project.