Stevedoring Services of America Case Settlement
Stevedoring Services of America Case Settles for $2,450,000
An investigation by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) showed that Stevedoring Services of America (SSA), failed to comply with the requirements of the Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE) Regulation. SSA failed to bring its cargo handling equipment into compliance with the CHE regulation. SSA signed a settlement agreement on November 16, 2017.
To settle the case, SSA has agreed to the $2,450,000.00 settlement and to comply with CHE CARB regulations. A penalty of $1,225,000.00 will be paid to the California Air Pollution Control Fund, $496,940.30 to the Prescott Joseph Center for Community Enhancement to fund the Northern County Breathmobile SEP, and $728,059.70 to the South Coast Air Quality Management District to fund The Installation of Air Filtration Systems in Schools SEP.
Enforcement of this regulation has resulted in an increased compliance for yard trucks from 57 percent in 2011 to 89 percent by the end of 2015, and 40 percent compliance in 2011 to 92 percent compliance in 2015 for non-yard trucks. The enforcement of this regulation requiring cleaner burning diesel engines has helped tremendously in improving air quality associated with diesel air contaminants in and around port and rail communities.
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