2017 Portola PM2.5 State Implementation Plan
CARB approved the Portola Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Attainment Plan (Plan) on February 16, 2017 as a revision to the State SIP. The Board subsequently approved the supplemental transportation conformity budgets for 2019 and 2022 at its October 26, 2017 public meeting. On November 19, 2020, the Board addressed the Clean Air Act contingency measure requirement by approving the Proposed Portola PM2.5 Plan Contingency Measure SIP Submittal.
CARB Documents
- Proposed Portola PM2.5 Plan Contingency Measure SIP Submittal
- Public Notice (November 19, 2020)
- Public Notice (originally scheduled for the September 24, 2020 CARB Board Hearing)
- Notice of Postponement (September 18, 2020)
- Staff Report: Proposed Portola PM2.5 Plan Contingency Measure SIP Submittal
- Resolution 20-26
- Transmittal Letter to U.S. EPA (December 28, 2020)
- Supplementary Transportation Conformity Budgets
- Public Notice (October 26, 2017 CARB Board Hearing)
- Staff Report: Supplemental Transportation Conformity Emission Budgets for the Portola Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Attainment Plan
- Attainment Plan
- Public Notice (February 16, 2017 CARB Board Hearing)
- Staff Report: CARB Staff review of the Portola Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Attainment Plan
- Resolution 17-2
- Transmittal Letter to U.S. EPA
- Quantitative Milestone Reports
- First Report and Transmittal Letter to U.S. EPA - 2019
- Second Report and Transmittal Letter to U.S. EPA - 2023
District and City of Portola Documents
- District Board Hearing - October 26, 2020
- City of Portola Ordinances
- Ordinance 359, Portola Municipal Code Chapter 15.10, Wood Stove and Fireplace Ordinance and the Prohibition of the Open Burning of Yard Waste
- Public Notice (scheduled for adoption September 9, 2020 City of Portola Council Hearing)
- Ordinance 354, adopted July 24, 2019, Portola Municipal Code Chapter 15.10, Wood Stove and Fireplace Ordinance and the Prohibition of the Open Burning of Yard Waste, replaced Ordinance 344, adopted June 22, 2016, Wood Stove and Fireplace Ordinance, in its entirety.
- Ordinance 359, Portola Municipal Code Chapter 15.10, Wood Stove and Fireplace Ordinance and the Prohibition of the Open Burning of Yard Waste
- District Attainment Plan
- Public Notice (January 23, 2017 District Board Hearing)
- Portola Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Attainment Plan (link to pdf on District website)
U.S. EPA Documents
- Attainment Plan
- Final Approval (84 Federal Register (FR) 11208; March 25, 2019)
- Proposed Approval (83 FR 64774; December 18, 2018)
- Incentive Measures
- Final Approval (83 FR 13871; April 2, 2018)
- Proposed Approval (82 FR 61203; December 27, 2017)
- City of Portola Ordinance
- Final Approval (83 FR 9213; March 5, 2018)
- Contingency Measure
- Final Approval (86 FR 12263; March 3, 2021)
- Proposed Approval (85 FR 78050; December 3, 2020)
- Failure to Attain and Redesignation to Serious PM2.5 Nonattainment
- Final Finding and Redesignation (87 FR 80076, December 29, 2022)
- Proposed Finding and Redesignation (87 FR 65719, November 1, 2022)