2003 State and Federal Strategy for the California SIP
The South Coast and San Joaquin Valley elements of the California State Implementation Plan (SIP) are currently being revised. Additional emission reductions are needed in both areas to meet the existing federal air quality standards by 2010. On October 23, 2003, the Board revised and adopted the 2003 State and Federal Strategy for the California SIP to identify a series of new State commitments to achieve the next increment of progress toward the federal standards. It also describes feasible approaches to reduce emissions from sources under the jurisdiction of the federal government. The commitments have been incorporated into the revised SIPs for the South Coast and San Joaquin Valley, and will be included as needed in SIP revisions for other parts of California expected over the next several years.
The Strategy proposes 19 defined measures that CARB staff would develop, plus the BAR's planned improvements to the Smog Check program and the continuation of DPR's existing SIP commitment to reduce volatile emissions from pesticides. The CARB measures cover on-road vehicles, off-road equipment, marine vessels/ports, fuels and refueling, and consumer products. Lower emission standards for new engines and consumer products are complemented by measures to clean up the existing fleet of mobile sources. Other measures would reduce gasoline vapor emissions from storage tanks, service stations, and fuel tanker trucks. Tighter limits on fuel properties are also proposed. The Strategy also identifies initial concepts on additional long-term approaches to further reduce emissions beyond the benefits of the defined measures.
The Final State and Federal Strategy includes two documents: the August 25, 2003 version of the Proposed Strategy, and Board Resolution 03-22 adopting the Strategy, including changes made at the October 23, 2003 hearing and responses to environmental issues.
- Plan Submittal Letter to U.S. EPA (January 9, 2004)
- Resolution 03-22 (October 23, 2003)
- Proposed 2003 State and Federal Strategy of the California State Implementation Plan
- Cover, Executive Summary and Section I: Overview of Commitments
- Section II: Mobile Sources
- Section III: Consumer Products, Vapor Recovery, and Pesticides
- Section IV: Long-Term Strategy
- Section V: Potential Impacts