Federal Area Designations
The Federal Clean Air Act requires the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) to set national ambient air quality standards (federal standards). The federal standards are further categorized as primary standards and secondary standards. The primary standards are meant to protect public health, whereas the secondary standards are meant to protect the public welfare from any known or anticipated adverse effects.
A complete and current list of federal standards can be found on the U.S. EPA website. A list of nonattainment areas for all federal criteria pollutants can also be found on the U.S. EPA website.
Maps of current area designations can be found through the Resources tab on the left.
Pollutant-Specific Activities
You can review pollutant-specific activities by clicking on the links located in the menu to the left. Information about specific nonattainment areas and the efforts to bring them into attainment of the federal standards can be found on at California State Implementation Plan (SIP).