AB 617 Implementation
AB 617 Statewide Summary
CARB staff created this page to provide concise and periodic updates on Statewide regulatory strategies described in the AB 617 Blueprint (Appendix F) and others described in community emissions reduction programs.
Community Air Protection Program Training
CARB has developed a series of online trainings to support community members, air districts, and the public in understanding and participating in the Community Air Protection Program.
Community Air Protection Program Fact Sheets
Fact sheets for the Community Air Protection Program and its elements.
2018 Air District-Approved Draft Final Community Emission Reduction Programs
Submittal letters and district-approved draft final community emissions reduction programs for the 2018 selected communities.
Expedited BARCT Schedules
The expedited best available retrofit control technology (BARCT) requirements of AB 617 are an important component of the bill, which is intended to provide benefits to residents statewide that are living near industrial sources. In addition to the statewide benefits of expedited BARCT, the schedules are expected to yield important emissions reduction benefits within communities selected for emission reduction and air monitoring programs.
Criteria Pollutant and Toxics Emissions Reporting
CARB is developing a regulation to implement statewide annual reporting of criteria air pollutant and toxic air contaminant emissions data from facilities. This reporting regulation supports the AB 617 mandate, and also continues California's environmental leadership by establishing innovative new policies to improve many aspects of air quality including emission inventory.
AB 617 Implementation Funds
Funding has been budgeted for this program beginning with Fiscal Year 17/18. Funds have been provided for CARB implementation, air district implementation, emission reduction projects, and technical assistance grants to community-based organizations.
Community Air Grants
The Air Grants Program's aim is to provide support for community-based organizations to participate in the AB 617 process, and to build capacity to become active partners with government to identify, evaluate, and ultimately reduce air pollution and exposure to harmful emissions in their communities.
For information on general incentive programs, visit Incentive Funding.