Architectural Coatings Survey
Every four to five years, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) conducts a survey of the architectural coatings sold into California. The most recent survey was in 2014. Architectural coatings are defined as coatings applied on-site to stationary structures and their appurtenances, and do not include coatings applied in a factory or shop. The purpose of the survey is to gather current information on the volatile organic compound (VOC) contents of architectural coatings.
The survey is primarily intended for coating manufacturers who sell architectural coatings in California. If your company is not a coating manufacturer, but your company name is listed as “manufactured for” or “distributed by” on the product label, you are responsible for completing the requested information in this survey, unless you meet one of the criteria listed:
- You are not a coating manufacturer/importer/distributor
- You are a coating distributor and the manufacturer of products "manufactured for" you or "distributed by" is completing the survey
- You are a parent/holding company of a coating manufacturer/importer/distributor and that subsidiary manufacturer/importer/distributor is completing the survey
- You are a coating manufacturer/importer/distributor, but your parent/holding company is completing the survey
- You are a coating manufacturer/importer/distributor, but you did not have sales of architectural coatings in California in 2013
Authority To Request Survey Information - This request is made pursuant to sections 39600, 39607, 39701 and 41511 of the California Health and Safety Code, and Title 17, California Code of Regulations, section 91100. Information which you designate as confidential will be protected in accordance with Title 17, California Code of Regulations, sections 91000 to 91022 and the California Public Records Act (California Government Code section 6250 et seq).
2014 Survey
- Table 1: Draft Sales and Companies by Category
- Table 2: Draft List of Products by Category
- Tables 3 to 8: Draft Sales, VOC Emissions, VOC Content, Complying Market Share
- Table 9 to 11: Draft Ingredient Summaries
2005 Survey