Scoping Plan Economic Models
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) developed the Scoping Plan mandated by the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32). Economic analysis was developed and used to support the development of the AB 32 Scoping Plan. The following contains information on three economic models, including links to more information on the models and their applications.
Energy 2020
This model is being adapted to provide CARB with the ability to model policy options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions across all sectors of the California economy. The results of this model will help CARB to identify its preferred policy option.
- February 2010, Update to November 2009 Assumptions Book
- November 2009, Update to March 2008 Assumptions Book
- Assumptions Book (March 31, 2008 DRAFT)
- 1/28 Presentation
- Documentation Volume 1: Overview
- Documentation Volume 2: Demand Sector Structure Overview
- Documentation Volume 3: Demand Sector Code Description
- Documentation Volume 4: Theoretical Derivation
- Documentation Volume 5: Electric Sector Code Description
- Documentation Volume 6: Professional History
- Documentation Volume 7: Data Dictionary
This model is being used by the California Energy Commission and California Public Utility Commission to inform their recommendations on policy options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the electricity and natural gas sectors. The results of this model will help CARB to identify its preferred policy option.
This model is being used by the CARB to inform their recommendations on policy options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions within all sectors by modeling the entire California economy. The results of this model will help CARB to identify its preferred policy option.