AB 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee Meeting
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is hosting a public meeting for the Assembly Bill (AB) 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC). The meeting is open to the public and includes a public comment period.
Date: Friday, September 15, 2023
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Location: The meeting is being held in-person and remote via Zoom.
CalEPA HQ Building | Sierra Hearing Room, Second Floor | 1001 " I " Street, Sacramento, California
Meeting Recording (posted 9/20/2023)
Meeting Materials
Agenda (Updated on 9/7/2023)
1. Introductions and Opening Remarks
- Housekeeping and Logistics (Zoom instructions and interpretation; EJAC and CARB introductions)
- Opening remarks from co-chairs (includes ground rules, meeting agreements, agenda overview)
2. Debrief from the September 14, 2023, Joint EJAC/CARB Board Meeting
- EJAC to discuss critical outcomes from the joint Board meeting.
3. Public Comment
- EJAC invites Zoom and in-person public comments.
- Note: Depending on the number of commenters, the time could be limited to 2-3 minutes per person.
4. 2024 Priorities and Planning for Remaining 2023 EJAC Meetings
- CARB to provide a brief overview of the Cap-and-Trade Regulation amendments, CARB’s role in Senate Bill 905 Carbon Capture Utilization and Sequestration Requirements, and Natural and Working Lands.
- EJAC to determine critical topics and discussion points.
- EJAC to plan for the October 13, 2023, and November 9, 2023, public meetings, including potential topics.
- EJAC to discuss 2024 priorities.
5. Public Comment
- EJAC invites Zoom and in-person public comments.
- Note: Depending on the number of commenters, the time could be limited to 2-3 minutes per person.
6. Next Steps and Closing Remarks
Attending via Teleconference: Juan Flores, John Kevin Jefferson III, John Harriel Jr., Kevin Hamilton, and Mayor Rey León