2022 Coachella Valley 75 ppb 8-Hour Ozone Reasonable Further Progress State Implementation Plan
The South Coast Air Quality Management District 2016 Air Quality Management Plan included within it the Coachella Valley 75 ppb Severe ozone State Implementation Plan (Severe SIP), which was approved by U.S. EPA in 2020. Motor vehicle emission budgets (MVEBs) are established in SIPs to ensure future transportation activities in the region, such as Regional Transportation Plans, do not interfere with attainment or maintenance of air quality standards. The MVEBs in the Severe SIP were developed using CARB’s on-road mobile source emissions factor model, EMFAC2014.
To update the MVEBs in the Coachella Valley 75 ppb 8-hour ozone SIP with CARB’s updated model EMFAC2017, the District is requesting that the Coachella Valley be reclassified as Extreme for the 75 ppb ozone standard. The new classification requires that the District develop a new SIP that demonstrates attainment by the Extreme deadline of July 20, 2032, and addresses other requirements of the Act such as a Reasonable Further Progress (RFP) demonstration and corresponding MVEBs. On November 4, 2022, the District will consider adoption of the Coachella Valley 75 ppb Extreme RFP State Implementation Plan (Extreme RFP Plan) that demonstrates the Coachella Valley meets the RFP requirements of the Act as an Extreme area for the 75 ppb ozone standard and includes updated MVEBs developed using EMFAC2017. On November 17, 2022, the Board will consider adoption of the Extreme RFP Plan provided the District adopts the plan at their board meeting on November 4.2022.
CARB Documents
- Notice of Public Hearing (October 7, 2022)
- Staff Report (October 7, 2022)
District Documents
- Draft Request to Reclassify Coachella Valley for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone Standard and the Updated Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets