Specially Produced Motor Vehicles
In 2015, the United States (US) congress passed H.R. 22, the “Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act.” The legislation allowed less stringent emissions and safety requirements for low volume manufacturers of new light-duty vehicles that look like previously produced vehicles or specially produced motor vehicles (SPMV). US Environmental Protection Agency and National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration were directed to develop emissions and safety regulations to provide a path to compliance for the manufacturers of SPMV. Industry was interested in having similar requirements applicable in California.
California Air Resources Board (CARB) began the process to gather input by meeting with interested parties and conducted workgroups and a public workshop, in 2017, to present an initial outline of proposed changes to the current new light-duty vehicle emission requirements. CARB has provided draft regulations, for review, and requested comments from interested parties by April 18, 2018.
What is SPMV?
A SPMV is a turnkey passenger car or light-duty truck produced by a low-volume manufacturer. A low volume manufacturer as defined in H.R. 22 is a manufacturer who produces less than 5,000 vehicles worldwide and limits the sale of SPMV to 325 per year nationwide. A SPMV must resemble the body of a motor vehicle that was produced for sale not less than 25 years ago. It is commonly referred to as a “Replica Car”, like a 1960’s Camaro or Mustang. The vehicle is a newly produced vehicle by a manufacturer for sale to the public. The SPMV is different than a specially constructed vehicle which is a vehicle produced by an individual for their own private use. CARB has separate regulations to certify clean engine packages for use in specially constructed vehicles.
Related Rulemaking Activity:
The California Air Resources Board conducted a public hearing on October 25, 2018, in Sacramento, to discuss a new proposed certification process for light-duty engine packages for use in new light-duty specially produced motor vehicles. The public hearing notice and staff report have been posted on the draft proposed regulations: Proposed California Regulation and Certification Procedures for Light- Duty Engine Packages for Use in New Light-Duty Specially-Produced Motor Vehicles for 2019 and Subsequent Years.
Existing Laws and Procedures
Exhaust Regulations and Test Procedures. | The following are California's regulations and test procedures for low-emission vehicles (LEV) in the passenger car, light-duty truck, and chassis certified medium-duty vehicle classes.
Evaporative and Refueling Test Procedures. | The following are California's evaporative and refueling regulations and test procedures for passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and chassis certified medium-duty vehicles.
What's New:
Draft-Specially Produced Motor Vehicles Regulations. (PDF - 269K)
Workshop (08/24/17): Public Workshop to Discuss Certification for Engines for Specially Produced Motor Vehicles (SPMV).
- Webinar Information: Public Workshop to Discuss Certification for Engines for Specially Produced Motor Vehicles (SPMV).
- Mailout #: ECARS 17-06: Public Workshop to Discuss Certification for Engines for Specially Produced Motor Vehicles (SPMV).
- Slide Presentation: Public Workshop to Discuss Certification for Engines for Specially Produced Motor Vehicles (SPMV) 8/24/2017.(PDF - 1,420K)
Workgroup (05/05/17):
- Talking Points for Replica Car Engine Regulation.(PDF - 24K)
- appears to be an empty link with target https://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/aftermkt/spmv/spmv_wkgp_tps_5-5-17.pdf
appears to be an empty link with target https://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/aftermkt/spmv/spmv_wkgp_tps_5-5-17.pdf
For more information, please contact Tony Martino manager, at (626) 575 6848.