How to fill out the Draft MS Fee Invoice Form
1. Choose the correct Certification Group form
Select the correct certification group for the application or applications you will be submitting. Multiple applications and their associated fees may be included on a single form, provided the applications are from the same manufacturer and they are in the same category group associated with that form (on‑road, off‑road, etc). If you have applications that fall into two different certification groups, separate forms must be created for each certification group.
On-Road Certification Group Category Types (ON) |
Light-duty vehicle test group and medium-duty vehicle test group | SPMV manufacturer |
HD CI engine family and MD CI engine family | Street-use motorcycle family and motorcycle engine family |
HD CI engine family and MD CI engine family | Heavy-duty greenhouse gas vehicle family |
Heavy-duty vehicle evap. emission family and Incomplete MDV evap. emission family | Trailer family |
SPCNS certified engine package | Aerodynamic technologies |
SPCNS certified engine package extension | Zero-emission powertrain family |
SPMV certified engine package | Fuel-fired heater |
Off-Road Certification Group Category Types (OFF) |
LSI engine family | SORE evaporative family |
LSI evaporative family | SIME family |
OHRV engine family | SIMW evaporative family |
ORCI engine family | Zero-emission golf cart |
SORE family |
Evaporative Component and PFC Certification Group Category Types (EVAP) |
OHRV evaporative emission control system component |
Portable container product family |
SORE evaporative emission control system component |
Spark ignition marine watercraft evaporative emission control system component |
Aftermarket Part Certification Group Category Types (AMP) |
Aftermarket catalytic converter | Alternative fuel retrofit system |
Aftermarket diesel particulate filter | Alternative fuel retrofit system extension |
Aftermarket fuel tank | Experimental permit |
Aftermarket part – general | Motorcycle critical emission control part |
Diesel Emission Control Strategy Certification Group Category Types (DECS) |
Preliminary Application Fee for New Verifications or Major Modification | In-Use Compliance Emissions Testing Fee |
Final Application Fee for New Verifications or Major Modification | Minor Modification Fee |
Executive Order Fee for New Verification or Major Modification | Locomotive Initial Application Fee |
In-Use Compliance Field Testing Fee | Locomotive Final Verification Letter Fee |
At-Berth Certification Group Category Types (AB) |
Test Plan Review Fee |
At-Berth Application Fee |
CEMS Data Review |
Design Change Fee |
Minor Amendment Fee |
2. Completing the draft invoice form
Fill in the information requested by the MS Fees Invoicing System.
a. Invoice Name: This will be created by the MS Fee Invoicing Software when the invoice is signed.
b. Invoice Date: This will be created by the MS Fee Invoicing Software when the invoice is signed.
c. Company Information: To be filled in by the manufacturer
- Company Name – Use the manufacturer name associated with the application or is found on the Executive Order
- Street Address – Use the address associated with the application’s manufacturer
- City, State, Zip – Use the address associated with the application’s manufacturer
- Country – Use the address associated with the application’s manufacturer
- Contact Name – Use the contact person associated with the application
- Contact phone number – Use the phone number of the contact person associated with the application
- Contact e-mail – Use the e-mail address of the contact person associated with the application
- CARB Customer Account Number – The CARB Customer account number associated with your account will be auto filled.
d. Invoice Column descriptions
- Payment Row Number: Each row has the information regarding a single application. If multiple applications are sent in as a group, each must be described on its own row.
- Application Description or file name: Use the file name or a brief description that is associated with the one application.
- Model Year/Calendar Year: This is only applicable to on-road and off-road applications. Equipment not certified by model year use current calendar year.
- Unique Application Identifier: This is the unique identifier for each product certification. Each certification product has specific naming criteria. Examples of the criteria are Test Group, Engine Family, Trailer Family name, Vehicle Family, ZEP Family or the unique identifier required for application. The ID listed in payment row must match the applicable application unique ID name to correlate the payment with each application.
- Fee Category: Each category group has multiple category types based on equipment or application process. These category types match the application category. To review all Fee Categories, go here (link to final regulation)
- Fee Type: Each application fee category has a base fee. Many categories have additional fee types based on small business, low volume sales, or applications which are the same as previous applications (Carry-over). Select the lower cost fee type only if the application meets the criteria for the fee type. Please review your Category Group Focus Training for more information on these lower cost fees.
- Amount: This cell is auto-filled with the fee amount for the category type and fee type for the application.
e. Total Due: Auto-filled form process
If you have one or multiple applications on the form, your total to be paid is located in the lower right-hand corner of the form on the same line as “Total Due”. This is the amount to be paid, plus any additional processing or bank fees, at the time of payment associated with this invoice.
f. Attestation: Each invoice must be signed by the application manufacturer’s responsible party that all information provided is true, accurate, and complete.
MS Certification & Compliance Fee Regulations: Meetings & Workshops | MS Certification & Compliance Fee Focused Group Tutorials | MS Certification Fee Invoicing & CARB Customer Account Contacts |