News Email UpdatesKeep up to date with the latest press releases and media advisories.Subscribe FeaturedNewsNov 16, 2023CARB approves incentive funding plan that invests in equitable transition to zero-emission futureNewsOct 26, 2023CARB approves first 5-year strategy update for its equity-driven Community Air Protection Program NewsOct 23, 2023California meets its target for zero-emissions truck sales two years ahead of schedule Fulltext search Air PollutionClean CarsClimate ChangeEnforcement(-)Freight & Goods Movement(-)Indoor Air Quality & ExposureTransitTruck & Bus(-)Zero-Emission TransportationAdvanced Clean Cars ProgramCalifornia Climate InvestmentsClean Cars 4 AllConsumer Products Enforcement (-)Consumer Products ProgramDrayage Trucks at Seaports & RailyardsFARMER Program(-)Heavy-Duty Low NOxOcean-Going Vessels At Berth Regulation(-)Zero-Emission Powertrain CertificationZero-Emission TransportationZero-Emission Vehicle FleetZero-Emission Vehicle Program2023(-)20202017 4 results found for Oct 5, 2020CalEPA Secretary Blumenfeld, CARB Chair Nichols respond to Administrator Wheeler letter criticizing zero-emission vehicle initiativeSep 23, 2020Governor Newsom announces California will phase out gasoline-powered cars & drastically reduce demand for fossil fuel in California’s fight against climate changeAgo 28, 2020California aprueba una nueva y estricta regulación para reducir aún más la contaminación de camiones de carga pesada que contribuye a la formación del smogFeb 19, 2020CARB fines large retailers for exceeding levels of smog-forming pollution in everyday household productsContacto Office of Communications
NewsNov 16, 2023CARB approves incentive funding plan that invests in equitable transition to zero-emission future
NewsOct 26, 2023CARB approves first 5-year strategy update for its equity-driven Community Air Protection Program
NewsOct 23, 2023California meets its target for zero-emissions truck sales two years ahead of schedule
Oct 5, 2020CalEPA Secretary Blumenfeld, CARB Chair Nichols respond to Administrator Wheeler letter criticizing zero-emission vehicle initiative
Sep 23, 2020Governor Newsom announces California will phase out gasoline-powered cars & drastically reduce demand for fossil fuel in California’s fight against climate change
Ago 28, 2020California aprueba una nueva y estricta regulación para reducir aún más la contaminación de camiones de carga pesada que contribuye a la formación del smog
Feb 19, 2020CARB fines large retailers for exceeding levels of smog-forming pollution in everyday household products