News Email UpdatesKeep up to date with the latest press releases and media advisories.Subscribe FeaturedNewsNov 16, 2023CARB approves incentive funding plan that invests in equitable transition to zero-emission futureNewsOct 26, 2023CARB approves first 5-year strategy update for its equity-driven Community Air Protection Program NewsOct 23, 2023California meets its target for zero-emissions truck sales two years ahead of schedule Fulltext search Airborne ToxicsAir PollutionConsumer Products(-)EnforcementOn-Road Heavy-Duty VehiclesSmokeAir Toxics ProgramComposite Wood Enforcement(-)Consumer Products Enforcement Diesel Enforcement(-)Enforcement of Clean Truck Check HD I/M RegulationLow Carbon Fuel Standard(-)Refrigerant Management Program20232022(-)202120202019201820132007 4 results found for Jul 29, 2021CARB reaches settlement with Reyes Coca-Cola Bottling LLC for $137,000 for air quality violationsJul 14, 2021CARB settles with Albertsons grocery chain for $5.1 million for violations of the Refrigerant Management ProgramAbr 30, 2021CARB fines manufacturer of rubber coating $170,000 for air quality violationsEne 26, 2021CARB reaches $193,507 settlement with The TJX Companies Inc. for violating toxic formaldehyde emissions ruleContacto Office of Communications
NewsNov 16, 2023CARB approves incentive funding plan that invests in equitable transition to zero-emission future
NewsOct 26, 2023CARB approves first 5-year strategy update for its equity-driven Community Air Protection Program
NewsOct 23, 2023California meets its target for zero-emissions truck sales two years ahead of schedule
Jul 29, 2021CARB reaches settlement with Reyes Coca-Cola Bottling LLC for $137,000 for air quality violations
Jul 14, 2021CARB settles with Albertsons grocery chain for $5.1 million for violations of the Refrigerant Management Program
Ene 26, 2021CARB reaches $193,507 settlement with The TJX Companies Inc. for violating toxic formaldehyde emissions rule