Electrolux Home Products Settlement
Electrolux Home Products Settles for $53,628
During April 2004, EHP paid $53,628.00 into the Air Pollution Control Fund to settle a case where under Sears and OSH inadvertently sold non-compliant chain saws, blowers and trimmers made by EHP. Since January 2000, when California's more stringent emission standards for Small Off-Road Engines went in effect, OSH and Sears combined, sold 930 non-California certified units and recalled 835 non-compliant units. Most of these units were not sold in Sears' full line retail stores but through their Parts and Repair Centers where a manual replenishment system allowed the non-compliant product to slip through the automated check system. In September of 2001, EHP refined its ordering systems to block any incorrect units and ensure that only California compliant units could be ordered for shipment to California.