American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Settlement
American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Settles For $1,927,800
In April of 2020, American Honda Motor Co., Inc. (Honda) headquartered in Torrance, California, settled its case with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for violations of California Code of Regulations Title 13, Section 2754.
CARB conducted compliance testing in 2017 on Honda’s small off-road engines (SORE) used on various lawn and garden equipment to see if the engines met diurnal emission standards and found the engines to exceed their certified evaporative model emission limit (EMEL).
Honda fully cooperated with CARB during the agency’s investigation and raised its EMEL and gave up emissions credits to offset the excess emissions. The resulting settlement requires Honda to pay a $21.29 per unit penalty resulting in a total penalty of $1,927,800. As part of the settlement, Honda has agreed to provide $963,900.00 of the total penalty as Supplemental Environmental Projects to the Oakland Unified School District Project 2019-2023, the Coachella Schools Flag Program, and the Coachella Valley Mitigation Project Extension 2018-2023.
Honda agrees that any SORE sold, supplied, offered for sale, advertised, or manufactured for sale in California, will comply with all applicable standards.
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