TRU Compliance Extension Application
Last updated August 28, 2023.
These applications strictly apply to Transport Refrigeration Units (TRU). They do NOT apply to Truck and Bus or Tractor-Trailer-Greenhouse Gas (GHG) regulations and will NOT be processed if filled out for diesel trucks. You may use these applications to apply for compliance deadline extensions for specific circumstances as provided for in the TRU ATCM. PDF versions of the applications are available below. Excel applications are available upon request to the ARBER Help Line (see below)
Applications can be submitted with all supporting documentation to or sent by physical mail to:
California Air Resources Board
Transportation and Toxics Division (TRU)
PO Box 2815
Sacramento, CA 95812
Information submitted must be true, accurate, and complete. Within 30 days of a change in ownership or compliance status, the new information must be entered in the ARBER system. This includes updates to the company profile and primary contact information. Failure to report updates or submittal of false information is a violation of State law subject to civil and criminal penalties.
Transport Refrigeration Unit Compliance Extension Application Based on Delays to Manufacture, Installer, or Financing (TTD/FTB-008)
This application can be used for a one-time extension of up to six months for delays in TRU compliance, provided documentation for the delay and the application are submitted prior to December 31. (See 13 California Code of Regulations (CCR) 2477.5 (n)). The owner must have ordered the compliance technology no later than two months before the compliance date (October 31) for verified diesel emission control strategy (VDECS) retrofit compliance technologies and no later than four months before the compliance date (August 31) for engine replacements, unit replacements, and trailer replacements. The purchase order must be consistent with these dates.
Transport Refrigeration Unit Compliance Extension Application Based on Delays Due to Installation of Zero-Emission Fueling Infrastructure (TTD/FTB-097)
This application can be used for a one-year compliance extension for the zero-emission truck TRU requirements specified in section 2477.5 (b) due to unforeseen, temporary, or extenuating circumstances outside of the TRU owner’s or owner/operator’s control that prevents the installation of zero-emission fueling Infrastructure at the facility at which the truck TRU fleet is domiciled. TRU owners shall submit an application at least 12 months prior to the zero-emission truck TRU compliance deadline if the delay is due to a utility infrastructure upgrade, and at least 3 months prior for all other delay types. Within 45 days of the submission of a complete application, the Executive Officer will approve, modify, or disapprove the application and notify you. TRU owners may apply for an additional one-year extension, 60 days prior to the expiration of the first extension. TRU owners may apply for an additional compliance extension beyond the first two annual extensions due to a delay in obtaining power from a utility, 60 days prior to the expiration of the second extension.
Transport Refrigeration Unit Compliance Extension Application Based on Unavailability of Compliance Technology (TTD/FTB-098)
This application can be used for a one-year compliance extension for the requirements specified in section 2477.5 (a), (b), (c), or (d) if there is no compliance technology available for a specific TRU or TRU generator set within six months of a compliance date. The owner must submit a completed application prior to the compliance date. The owner must demonstrate the absence of any suitable compliance option that can be used on the specific equipment and that the owner cannot otherwise meet the requirements of section 2477.5 (a), (b), (c), or (d) by the compliance date(s). Owners may apply for additional one-year extensions provided the same procedures are followed for each extension.
Application for Safe Passage of Noncompliant Equipment Traveling in California (TTD/FTB-006)
This application can be used for a safe passage permit if the purpose for the TRU traveling in California is to take the noncompliant TRU to a dealer or installer to bring the equipment into compliance. The TRU shall not be operating in a noncompliant state in California and no temperature-sensitive products shall be transported with the noncompliant TRU. (See 13 CCR 2477.5 (p)).
If you have any questions related to completing this form, please contact the ARBER Help Line at 888-878-2826 or