Large Spark-Ignition (LSI) Engine Fleet Requirements Regulation
Primary Contact
In 2006, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted, and later amended in 2010 and 2016, new regulations to reduce emissions from existing fleets operating large spark-ignited (LSI) engine powered equipment.
Vehicles subject to the Large Spark-Ignition (LSI) Engine Fleet Requirements Regulation are found in industries as diverse as manufacturing, wholesale, transportation and utilities, retail, services, and construction. The 2006 LSI rulemaking and 2010 amendments required operators of in-use fleets to achieve specific hydrocarbon (HC) + oxides of nitrogen (NOx) fleet average emission level (FAEL) standards that became more stringent over time, the lowest FAEL for large and medium fleets was to be achieved in 2013. The 2016 amendments required operators of in-use fleets to report, label LSI equipment, and continue existing recordkeeping requirements previously set to expire June 30th, 2016.
The Regulation applies to: self-propelled vehicles (except some GSE) with large spark-ignition engines (gasoline, propane, and CNG fuel) 25 hp or greater and greater than 1 liter displacement including:
- Forklifts
- Industrial tow tractors and sweeper scrubbers
- Airport ground support equipment (GSE)
The Regulation does not apply to:
- Small Fleets (3 or fewer forklifts and/or pieces of non-forklift LSI Engine equipment)
- Rental or lease equipment operated 30 or fewer aggregated calendar days per year
- In-field forklifts (agricultural use greater than 50%)
- Off-road military tactical vehicles or equipment exempt under the federal national security exemption
Overview Fact Sheet (English or Español)
Regulation Text
2006 LSI rulemaking and 2010 amendments required operators of in-use fleets to achieve specific hydrocarbon (HC) + oxides of nitrogen (NOx) fleet average emission level (FAEL) standards that became more stringent over time, the lowest FAEL for large and medium fleets was to be achieved in 2013. The 2016 amendments require operators of in-use fleets to report, label LSI equipment, and continue existing recordkeeping requirements previously set to expire June 30, 2016.
- Report all equipment subject to a Fleet Average Emission Level (FAEL) within 60 days using CARB’s free online DOORS reporting system;
- Label each piece of equipment within 30 days of receiving an Equipment Identification Number (EIN); and
- Maintain records until June 30, 2023.
- LSI fleets must meet the fleet average emission level standards in the table below.
Fleet Type | Number of | Fleet Average Emission Level | ||
1/1/2009 | 1/1/2011 | 1/1/2013 | ||
Large fleet | 26+ | 3.2(2.4) | 2.3(1.7) | 1.5(1.1) |
Mid-size fleet | 4-25 | 3.5(2.6) | 2.7(2.0) | 1.9(1.4) |
Non-forklift fleet | 4+ | 4.0(3.0) | 3.6(2.7) | 3.4(2.5) |
LSI Equipment owners are required to report their applicable diesel vehicles into DOORS, an online reporting system.
Initial reporting of all equipment subject to the Fleet Average Emission Level (FAEL) were required to be completed by June 30, 2017. Fleets that are newly subject to the FAEL after June 30, 2017 (e.g., new fleets operating in California or fleets that grow from small to large fleet size), must report within 60 days of a fleet becoming subject to the FAEL. After a fleet reports their LSI equipment to CARB, each piece of equipment is assigned a unique EIN. The fleet must label its equipment within 30 days of receiving EINs.
An Attestation must be submitted to CARB by June 30th of each year subsequent to the submittal of the Inital Report. This can also be submitted in your DOORS account.
LSI DOORS Userguides:
Initial Reporting
How to Report Equipment with Missing Information
How to Report Rental Equipment
Import Equipment Tool Spreadsheet
DOORS Reporting System
DOORS Resources
Annual Reporting Attestation
An attestation must be submitted to CARB by June 30th of each year subsequent to the submittal of the Inital Report.
Contact Information
Use this form to request changes to your fleet's contact information, including a request for a new username/password.
Adding Equipment with an Existing EIN
Use this form to request to add equipment with an existing EIN to your fleet if the previous owner has not sold the piece of equipment in DOORS.
Equipment/Engine Information Changes for Previously Reported Equipment
Use this form to request to add equipment with an existing EIN to your fleet if the previous owner has not sold the piece of equipment in DOORS.
Frequently Asked Questions
Agricultural Crop Preparation Services:
Explanation of requirements for equipment used in agricultural crop preparation services.
Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE):
Explanation of the different types of airport GSE and requirements.
Equipment Identification Number Labeling:
Explanation of EIN specifications and labeling equipment.
Fleet Average Emission Level Standards:
Explanation of complying with the regulation's emission performance standards.
Limited Hours of Use Equipment:
Explanation of the limited hours of use provision, and how fleets may utilize these provisions to reduce compliance requirements.