electric charging & hydrogen refueling road sign with blue sky in the background

Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Topics

Resources for finding information about zero-emission fueling infrastructure.

As California makes moves to secure a cleaner future through the adoption of zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) technology, it must also support and educate stakeholders who need to plan for zero-emission vehicle fleet infrastructure.

CARB is working closely with California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (Go-Biz), California’s Energy Commission (CEC), other state agencies and utilities in the state to ensure this transition is a success. Investments and strategic planning are happening throughout the state. Infrastructure is a critical issue in California, so CARB has put together the following page of web links intended to assist with finding funding, resources, and background. Please visit frequently, as more resources become available this page will continue to grow.

For more information or to hear an informational update on Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure visit April 28th Board Meeting.

Icon Key

Financial IconFunding     Electric Vehicle IconElectric Vehicles (EV)     Utilities Icon Public Utilities     Hydrogen Vehicle Icon Hydrogen Vehicles     Demonstration/Innovation Icon Demonstration/Innovation

Medium- & Heavy-Duty Vehicle Resources

More information about Medium- and Heavy-Duty (MHD) Zero-Emission Vehicles can be found at TruckStop Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicles.

  • A Zero-Emission Infrastructure Joint Statement of Intent Electric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • In an effort to supercharge the state’s ZEV fueling infrastructure, California announced a Joint Statement of Intent between eight state departments and agencies to help guide planning for energy supply, facilities, grid development, as well as EV chargers and hydrogen stations.
  • Advanced Technology Demonstration Projects  Electric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle IconDemonstration/Innovation Icon 
    • The demonstration projects allow local air districts, public agencies, and CA-based non-profit organizations to demonstrate promising technologies for the next generation of advanced technology vehicles and equipment. This link includes an extensive list of projects in progress as well as completed projects.
  • Alternative Fuels Data Center (U.S. Department of Energy) Electric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon 
    • An interactive map of all ZEV refueling locations in the United States and Canada.
  • CA State Treasurer Electric Vehicle Charging Station Financing Program (California State Treasurer) Financial IconElectric Vehicle Icon 
    • Enrolls loans for installation of EV charging stations at small business locations in CA. This link provides a detailed description of the program terms and operations.
  • California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (California Energy Commission) Financial IconElectric Vehicle Icon
    • CALeVIP provides incentives for EV charger installations and partners with local stakeholders to develop regional projects for EV chargers. This link includes resources for property owners, EV charging manufacturers, and service providers, and status of active projects.
  • California Energy Commission Funding Opportunities (California Energy Commission) Financial IconElectric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • Provides an extensive list of funding resources that support the transition to clean transportation, including information on EPIC, FPIP, and PIER contractors; fuels and transportation; renewable energy; and research.
  • California Fuel Cell Partnership interactive map. (California State Treasurer) Hydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • View locations of hydrogen fueling stations
  • California Public Utilities Commission SB350 Transportation Electrification Activities (California Public Utilities Commission) Electric Vehicle IconUtilities Icon
    • Provides detailed descriptions of the transportation electrification programs implemented by PacifiCorp, Bear Valley Electric Service, and Liberty Services in accordance with SB350, as well as the reporting requirements for each program.
  • Carl Moyer Program: Infrastructure Financial Icon
    • Provides funding for the installation of infrastructure for cleaner technologies. This link provides information on program eligibility and resources to report a Moyer funded public station.
  • Clean Transportation Program (California Energy Commission) Hydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • Established by AB 118 and extended by AB 8, the Clean Transportation Program provides the Energy Commission with approximately $100 million per year for the development and deployment of clean transportation solutions. Up to $20 million per year is allocated to the development of light-duty hydrogen fueling stations, some of which may also provide fueling for commercial and medium-duty vehicles.
  • Electric Vehicle Charging 101 (California Energy Commission)Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Learn more about the different charging options for electric vehicles.
  • EnergIIZE Commercial Vehicles Project (California Energy Commission & CALSTART) Financial IconElectric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • Incentivizes the installation of ZEV infrastructure equipment for medium- and heavy-duty battery-electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. This link provides resources for fleet users, technology providers, and infrastructure installers to participate in the project.
  • EV Charging Station Map (California Clean Vehicle Rebate Project) Electric Vehicle Icon 
    • Map of level 2 and DC fast chargers in California
  • GO-Biz Hydrogen Fueling Station Readiness (Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development) Hydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • Provides support for developing California’s Zero Emission industry, including coordinating efforts across California departments and agencies. In addition, GO-Biz has developed documentation to help station developers and permitting officials alike navigate the permitting process for new hydrogen fueling stations.
  • HyStEP (Hydrogen Station Equipment Performance) Device | Hydrogen Tools (h2tools.org) (Center for Hydrogen Safety) Hydrogen Vehicle IconDemonstration/Innovation Icon
    • Description of station confirmation process prior to HyStEP involving each OEM and the streamlined approach with HyStEP that includes public domain documents on HyStEP design including electrical and mechanical drawings.
  • “Hydrogen-powered Class-8 Rigs: How fuel cell trucks produce electric power and how they’re fueled” (Commercial Carrier Journal) Hydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • Published by Commercial Carrier Journal, this article provides a lot of good information about hydrogen-power.
  • International Council on Clean Transportation-Charging Infrastructure (International Council on Clean Transportation) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Provides working publications and white papers on charging infrastructure which identify the best practices for policymakers such as CARB.
  • LCFS ZEV Infrastructure Crediting Financial IconElectric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • Eligible hydrogen stations and DC fast chargers can generate LCFS credit for dispensed fuel as well as infrastructure credits based on the station or charger capacity. This link includes application materials for HRI and FCI, approved applications, and estimated potential HRI and FCI credits.
  • Load Management (Green Tech Media) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Load management strategies ensure that utilities able to provide enough electricity for electrifying the state’s vehicles. Utilities may offer vehicle owners incentives to reduce EV charging during periods of high demand on the grid. There are also automated load management systems -software used to balance demand from multiple chargers at a site.
  • PG&E list of approved vendors for several charging-related services. (Pacific Gas & Electric) Electric Vehicle IconUtilities Icon
  • Plug-in Electric Vehicle InfrastructureElectric Vehicle Icon
    • PEV infrastructure programs and progress utilizes industry and CA government policies to support expansion of PEV infrastructure. This link includes EVSE Standards regulations, a description of Executive Order B-48-18, and a PEV charging station locator.
  • PlugShare (PlugShare) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Website and mobile app that allows members to search for chargers, post reviews and add missing chargers to the map. Both the website and the app allow EV drivers to check to see which chargers are compatible with their vehicle, the charger availability and the cost of charging. 
  • San Diego Gas and Electric’s Power Your Drive for Fleets (San Diego Gas & Electric) Financial IconElectric Vehicle IconUtilities Icon
    • Offers resources to help fleet owners better understand charging infrastructure and EV availability.
  • Sandia-developed HyStEP keeps fuel-cell vehicles rolling | Department of Energy (U.S. Department of Energy) Hydrogen Vehicle IconDemonstration/Innovation Icon
    • Original HyStEP project scope with U.S.DOE.
  • U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Alternative Fuel Data Center (AFDC) (U.S. Department of Energy) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Provides users with information a list of current makes and models of EVs. The AFDC also provides users with a list of local laws related to EVs, along with local incentives for the purchase of an EV or infrastructure. Additionally, the AFDC can help users locate charging stations throughout the country.
  • US Department of Energy Hydrogen Program (U.S. Department of Energy) Hydrogen Vehicle IconDemonstration/Innovation Icon
    • Manages several research, development, demonstration, and deployment programs with the goal of advancing fuel cell and hydrogen technology and commercial readiness. The recently signed federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act also tasks the US DOE with managing more than $9 Billion in funding for the establishment of hydrogen hubs across America and research into advanced electrolyzer technology.
  • Virtual Transit Agency Infrastructure Work Group Meeting for Zero-Emission Buses (Recording) Electric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • The virtual workgroup meeting was held to strategize on how to move toward a one hundred percent zero-emission bus fleet. This meeting presents current successes and discuss challenges and solutions on infrastructure needed for a full-scale conversion.
  • Volkswagen Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Investment Commitment Electric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle IconDemonstration/Innovation Icon 
    • Electrify America, a VW subsidiary, is required to invest $800 million in CA to address the adverse impacts to CA’s ZEV program due to their sales of VW diesel vehicles which were equipped with emissions defeat devices. This link includes Electrify America’s investment plans for each cycle of the 30 months and their quarter and annual reports.
  • Vehicle-Grid Integration (Advanced Clean Tech News) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Provides assistance and knowledge for how to utilize the electrical grid more efficiently.
  • Zero-Emission Vehicle Fleet: Meetings & Workshops Electric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • Provides an updated list of upcoming and previous meetings and workshops regarding the transition to zero-emission vehicle fleets, with meeting materials linked.

Passenger & Light-Duty Vehicle Resources

More information about Light-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicles can be found on our Zero-Emission Vehicle Program webpage.

  • A Zero Emission Infrastructure Joint Statement of Intent Electric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • In an effort to supercharge the state’s ZEV fueling infrastructure, California announced a Joint Statement of Intent between eight state departments and agencies to help guide planning for energy supply, facilities, grid development, as well as EV chargers and hydrogen stations.
  • Alternative Fuels Data Center (U.S. Department of Energy) Electric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon 
    • Provides an interactive map of all ZEV refueling locations in the United States and Canada.
  • CA State Treasurer Electric Vehicle Charging Station Financing Program (California State Treasurer) Financial IconElectric Vehicle Icon 
    • The Electric Vehicle Charging Station Financing Program enrolls loans for installation of EV charging stations at small business locations in CA. This link provides a detailed description of the program terms and operations.
  • California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (California Energy Commission) Financial IconElectric Vehicle Icon
    • CALeVIP provides incentives for EV charger installations and partners with local stakeholders to develop regional projects for EV chargers. This link includes resources for property owners, EV charging manufacturers, and service providers, and status of active projects.
  • California Electric Transportation Coalition (CalETC) (California Electric Transportation Coalition) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • CalETC is a non-profit organization that advocates on behalf of membership organizations, conducts research and provides a variety of information to its members and interested parties on topics related to transportation electrification and infrastructure.
  • California Energy Commission CaleVIP (California Energy Commission) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Provides funding for the installation of publicly accessible EV charging stations throughout California. The project is funded by the California Energy Commission and implemented by the Center for Sustainable Energy. 
  • California Energy Commission Electric Vehicle Chargers in California (California Energy Commission) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Updated quarterly and includes a count of public and privately shared chargers (e.g., workplace charging, shared parking at multifamily housing developments) in California.
  • California Energy Commission Funding Opportunities (California Energy Commission) Financial IconElectric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • Provides an extensive list of funding resources that support the transition to clean transportation, including information on EPIC, FPIP, and PIER contractors; fuels and transportation; renewable energy; and research.
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership (Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership) Hydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • A public-private partnership dedicated establishing and expanding the market for fuel cell electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel. The CaFCP provides informational resources on a broad array of hydrogen and fuel cell topics, including real-time status information of currently open hydrogen fueling stations.
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership interactive map. (Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership) Hydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • View locations of hydrogen fueling stations
  • CARB's 2024 Existing Light-Duty Hydrogen Refueling Stations In-Use Study Report
    • The objective of this study was to assess in-use conformance of California’s existing light-duty hydrogen refueling stations with SAE J2601.
  • California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and NRG Settlement (California Public Utilities Commission) Electric Vehicle IconUtilities Icon
    • The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) regulates the investor-owned utilities by directing strategic investment in infrastructure. Additionally, the CPUC can provide information on the NRG settlement, which requires NRG to invest $102.5 million in EV infrastructure.
  • California Public Utilities Commission SB350 Transportation Electrification Activities (California Public Utilities Commission) Electric Vehicle IconUtilities Icon
    • Provides detailed descriptions of the transportation electrification programs implemented by PacifiCorp, Bear Valley Electric Service, and Liberty Services in accordance with SB350, as well as the reporting requirements for each program.
  • CARB Technical Analysis: EV Charging Infrastructure Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Non-residential building standards that facilitate installation of EV charging infrastructure are utilized to provide clean transportation access in workplace and public locations. This link provides a technical analysis of EV charging infrastructure in accordance with nonresidential building standards 
  • Carl Moyer Program: Infrastructure Financial Icon 
    • The Carl Moyer Program provides funding for the installation of infrastructure for cleaner technologies. This link provides information on program eligibility and resources to report a Moyer funded public station.
  • CDFA DMS Hydrogen Activities (California Department of Food and Agriculture) Hydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • The Department of Food and Agriculture’s Division of Measurement Standards provides support for retail sales of hydrogen fuel. DMS activities help ensure the purity and accurate measuring of amount of hydrogen fuel sold to customers at retail stations. DMS staff also collaborate with CARB staff on activities that ensure hydrogen fuel is dispensed according to industry-adopted fueling protocols that provide fast, safe, complete, and reliable hydrogen fueling experiences.
  • Clean Transportation Program (California Energy Commission) Hydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • Established by AB 118 and extended by AB 8, the Clean Transportation Program provides the Energy Commission with approximately $100 million per year for the development and deployment of clean transportation solutions. Up to $20 million per year is allocated to the development of light-duty hydrogen fueling stations, some of which may also provide fueling for commercial and medium-duty vehicles.
  • Electric Vehicle Charging 101 (California Energy Commission)Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Learn more about the different charging options for electric vehicles.
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Station Permitting Guidebook (Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Guidebook from 2019 offering information and assistance for those looking to acquire permitting for installing charger stations.
  • EVSE Standards Regulation Electric Vehicle Icon
    • EVSE standards, which act upon SB454, aim to increase driver confidence in accessing public charging infrastructure. This link includes an invitation to the Technology Review workshop, the EVSE Standards Technology Review, and formal rulemaking documents for the EVSE Standards Regulation.
  • EV Charging Station Map (California Clean Vehicle Rebate Project) Electric Vehicle Icon 
    • Map of level 2 and DC fast chargers in California
  • GO-Biz Hydrogen Fueling Station Readiness (Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development) Hydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development provides support for developing California’s Zero Emission industry, including coordinating efforts across California departments and agencies. In addition, GO-Biz has developed documentation to help station developers and permitting officials alike navigate the permitting process for new hydrogen fueling stations.
  • Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure Hydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • CARB coordinates with stakeholders to ensure hydrogen fueling infrastructure can support wide-spread deployment of FCEVs. This link includes an economic analysis and annual evaluation of hydrogen station network development as well as a desktop tool and map viewer to assess spatial distribution of existing stations.
  • HyStEP (Hydrogen Station Equipment Performance) Device | Hydrogen Tools (h2tools.org) (Center for Hydrogen Safety) Hydrogen Vehicle IconDemonstration/Innovation Icon
    • Description of station confirmation process prior to HyStEP involving each OEM and the streamlined approach with HyStEP that includes public domain documents on HyStEP design including electrical and mechanical drawings.
  • International Council on Clean Transportation-Charging Infrastructure (International Council on Clean Transportation) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • The ICCT provides working publications and white papers on charging infrastructure which identify the best practices for policymakers such as CARB.
  • LCFS ZEV Infrastructure Crediting Financial IconElectric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • Eligible hydrogen stations and DC fast chargers can generate LCFS credit for dispensed fuel as well as infrastructure credits based on the station or charger capacity. This link includes application materials for HRI and FCI, approved applications, and estimated potential HRI and FCI credits.
  • Load Management (Green Tech Media) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Load management strategies ensure that utilities able to provide enough electricity for electrifying the state’s vehicles. Utilities may offer vehicle owners incentives to reduce EV charging during periods of high demand on the grid. There are also automated load management systems -software used to balance demand from multiple chargers at a site.
  • Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) permit streamlining assistive fact sheet (Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • The Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) has put together a fact sheet to assist with streamlining the permitting process for those in the greater Los Angeles area
  • PG&E list of approved vendors for several charging-related services. (Pacific Gas & Electric) Electric Vehicle IconUtilities Icon
  • Plug-in Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Electric Vehicle Icon
    • PEV infrastructure programs and progress utilizes industry and CA government policies to support expansion of PEV infrastructure. This link includes EVSE Standards regulations, a description of Executive Order B-48-18, and a PEV charging station locator.
  • PlugShare (PlugShare) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Website and mobile app that allows members to search for chargers, post reviews and add missing chargers to the map. Both the website and the app allow EV drivers to check to see which chargers are compatible with their vehicle, the charger availability and the cost of charging.
  • Sandia-developed HyStEP keeps fuel-cell vehicles rolling | Department of Energy (U.S. Department of Energy) Hydrogen Vehicle IconDemonstration/Innovation Icon
    • Original HyStEP project scope with U.S.DOE.
  •  U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Alternative Fuel Data Center (AFDC) (U.S. Department of Energy) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Provides users with information a list of current makes and models of EVs. The AFDC also provides users with a list of local laws related to EVs, along with local incentives for the purchase of an EV or infrastructure. Additionally, the AFDC can help users locate charging stations throughout the country.
  • US Department of Energy Hydrogen Program (U.S. Department of Energy) Hydrogen Vehicle IconDemonstration/Innovation Icon
    • The United States Department of Energy manages several research, development, demonstration, and deployment programs with the goal of advancing fuel cell and hydrogen technology and commercial readiness. The recently signed federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act also tasks the US DOE with managing more than $9 Billion in funding for the establishment of hydrogen hubs across America and research into advanced electrolyzer technology.
  • Volkswagen Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Investment Commitment Electric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle IconDemonstration/Innovation Icon 
    • Electrify America, a VW subsidiary, is required to invest $800 million in CA to address the adverse impacts to CA’s ZEV program due to their sales of VW diesel vehicles which were equipped with emissions defeat devices. This link includes Electrify America’s investment plans for each cycle of the 30 months and their quarter and annual reports.
  • Vehicle-Grid Integration (Advanced Clean Tech News) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Provides assistance and knowledge for how to utilize the electrical grid more efficiently.
  • Veloz (Veloz) Electric Vehicle IconDemonstration/Innovation Icon
    • Veloz is a non-profit with the mission of overcoming current barriers to transportation electrification and making the transition to clean vehicles more affordable with more vehicle models and infrastructure. Veloz hosts a series of webinars and a summit series that exploring the electric vehicle and charging ecosystem. Veloz can also provide people with an extensive list of tools and resources to inform people on the benefits of EVs.
  • West Coast Electric Highway project (West Coast Green Highway) Electric Vehicle Icon 
    • An extensive network of electric vehicle (EV) DC fast charging stations located every 25 to 50 miles along Interstate 5, Hwy 99, and other major roadways in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California.
  • Zero-Emission Vehicle and Infrastructure Statistics (California Energy Commission) Electric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • Provides data reports for the sales and populations of light duty ZEVs, electric car chargers, and hydrogen stations with the assistance of the DMV and Veloz.
  • Zero-Emission Vehicle ProgramFinancial IconElectric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • As part of the Advanced Clean Cars package of regulations to control smog formation and GHG emissions, this program requires auto manufacturers to sell specific numbers of ZEVs. This link includes CA’s ZEV Market Development Strategy, a walk-through of CA’s ZEV Regulation, and updates to the ZEV Action Plan.

Off-Road Resources

  • A Zero Emission Infrastructure Joint Statement of Intent Electric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • In an effort to supercharge the state’s ZEV fueling infrastructure, California announced a Joint Statement of Intent between eight state departments and agencies to help guide planning for energy supply, facilities, grid development, as well as EV chargers and hydrogen stations.
  •  Alternative Fuels Data Center (U.S. Department of Energy) Electric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon 
    • Provides an interactive map of all ZEV refueling locations in the United States and Canada. 
  • CA State Treasurer Electric Vehicle Charging Station Financing Program (California State Treasurer) Financial IconElectric Vehicle Icon 
    • The Electric Vehicle Charging Station Financing Program enrolls loans for installation of EV charging stations at small business locations in CA. This link provides a detailed description of the program terms and operations.
  • California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (California Energy Commission) Financial IconElectric Vehicle Icon
    • Provides incentives for EV charger installations and partners with local stakeholders to develop regional projects for EV chargers. This link includes resources for property owners, EV charging manufacturers, and service providers, and status of active projects.
  • California Energy Commission Funding Opportunities (California Energy Commission) Financial IconElectric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • Provides an extensive list of funding resources that support the transition to clean transportation, including information on EPIC, FPIP, and PIER contractors; fuels and transportation; renewable energy; and research.
  • California Fuel Cell Partnership interactive map. (California State Treasurer) Hydrogen Vehicle Icon
    • View locations of hydrogen fueling stations
  • Carl Moyer Program: Infrastructure Financial Icon 
    • The Carl Moyer Program provides funding for the installation of infrastructure for cleaner technologies. This link provides information on program eligibility and resources to report a Moyer funded public station.
  • Clean Off-Road Equipment Voucher Incentive Project (C.O.R.E) Financial IconElectric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle Icon 
    • Project that allows fleets to access funding to accelerate the deployment of clean technology, reduce component costs, and make larger infrastructure investments. This link includes equipment eligibility criteria and manufacturer application guidelines.
  • Electric Vehicle Charging 101 (California Energy Commission)Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Learn more about the different charging options for electric vehicles.
  • EV Charging Station Map (California Clean Vehicle Rebate Project) Electric Vehicle Icon 
    • Map of level 2 and DC fast chargers in California
  • HyStEP (Hydrogen Station Equipment Performance) Device | Hydrogen Tools (h2tools.org) (Center for Hydrogen Safety) Hydrogen Vehicle IconDemonstration/Innovation Icon
    • Description of station confirmation process prior to HyStEP involving each OEM and the streamlined approach with HyStEP that includes public domain documents on HyStEP design including electrical and mechanical drawings.
  • Load Management (External) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Load management strategies ensure that utilities able to provide enough electricity for electrifying the state’s vehicles. Utilities may offer vehicle owners incentives to reduce EV charging during periods of high demand on the grid. There are also automated load management systems -software used to balance demand from multiple chargers at a site.
  • PG&E list of approved vendors for several charging-related services. (Pacific Gas & Electric) Electric Vehicle IconUtilities Icon
  • Sandia-developed HyStEP keeps fuel-cell vehicles rolling | Department of Energy (U.S. Department of Energy) Hydrogen Vehicle IconDemonstration/Innovation Icon
    • Original HyStEP project scope with U.S.DOE.
  • US Department of Energy Hydrogen Program (U.S. Department of Energy) Hydrogen Vehicle IconDemonstration/Innovation Icon
    • The United States Department of Energy manages several research, development, demonstration, and deployment programs with the goal of advancing fuel cell and hydrogen technology and commercial readiness. The recently signed federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act also tasks the US DOE with managing more than $9 Billion in funding for the establishment of hydrogen hubs across America and research into advanced electrolyzer technology.
  • Vehicle-Grid Integration (Advanced Clean Tech News) Electric Vehicle Icon
    • Provides assistance and knowledge for how to utilize the electrical grid more efficiently.
  • Volkswagen Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Investment Commitment Electric Vehicle IconHydrogen Vehicle IconDemonstration/Innovation Icon 
    • Electrify America, a VW subsidiary, is required to invest $800 million in CA to address the adverse impacts to CA’s ZEV program due to their sales of VW diesel vehicles which were equipped with emissions defeat devices. This link includes Electrify America’s investment plans for each cycle of the 30 months and their quarter and annual reports.